Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

640 Home economics Domestic science 
Public as wel as private household administration covering work of housekeeper, 
matron, steward, janitor, etc. in hotels, clubs, apartments, boarding houses, 
schools, restaurants, factories, offis and other commercial bildings, churches, 
theaters, railway stations, ships and other public gathering places 
For economics of consumption, including standards of living, see 339; for care of 
library bildings see 025.9. Numbers for allied subjects in army and navy wil 
be provided under military and naval science, See also 331.83 Food, clothes 
and shelter of laboring classes 
641 Food, cookery 
542 Serving, entertaining 
643 Shelter, house, home 
644 Heat, light, ventilation 
643 Furniture, furnishings Decoration 
546 Clothing, toilet 
647 Administration, household management 
548 Sanitary precautions, cleaning 
649 Home care of children, sick, and infirm 
Theories, utility, etc. .4 
Compends .5 
Dictionaries, cyclopedias .6 
Study and teaching 
Schools of housekeeping, experiment stations. Investigations of home con- 
ditions. For cooking schools see 641.07 
Schools and experiment stations 
See 630.7 Agricultural schools, farmers institutes; 630.6 Farmers associa- 
tions, granges, etc; 371.426 Manual training courses; 371.6764 Labora- 
tory equipment for home economics courses; 375.64 Place in curriculum; 
educational values. 640.711-.74 may be used for keeping all phases of 
the subject in 640 
College and university courses and departments 
Schools of college grade 
Secondary courses; high school 
Elementary courses; below high school 
Extension work 
Courses for special needs: women’s clubs, farmers’ wives, ete. 
Research work: experiment stations, graduate courses 
For Sage foundation see 306 
"3 Normal courses, teachers institutes, etc. 
4 Exhibits Museums 
9 History 
641 Food Cookery 
For physiology of nutrition, see 612.39; for dietetics and dietary 
standards, 613.2; for food values, 641. 
Gastronomy Epicurism 
Plesures of eating, esthetics of cookery, epicures (gourmets), For 
gluttony, see 178.91 and 613.25 
Dictionaries, cyclopedias 
Essays, addresses, lectures 
Study and teaching Cooking schools. classes and clubs 
History and description 
Divided like 930-999. Including foods characteristic of different peoples, 
but for preparation of specific dishes (i. e. recipes) peculiar to special 
countries see 641.ca 

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