641.1 Food chemicly considerd Food values Tables
Tor methods of chemic analysis see 543.1; for adulterations see 614.3; for
commercial preparation or manufacture see 664; for physiology of nutrition
see 612.39; for dietetics see 613.2
612.39 treats of physiologic effect of different kinds and quantities of foods
from purely scientific point of view, without regard to benefit or injury
613.2 treats of food requirements in special conditions of age or disease and of
the beneficial or injurious effects of different kinds of foods
641.1 translates scientific facts into familiar terms for eook and housekeeper,
treats of the required amount of the different constituents and their propor-
tion as found in various foods
Organic food constituents
Proteids or nitrogenous foods
Meat, egs, nuts, legumes, etc. See also 612.398
Carbohydrates or nonnitrogenous foods
Vegetables, cereals, fruits, sugar See also 612.396
Fats, oils
See also 612.397
15 Inorganic food constituents
.16 Water
.17 Salts, mineral or ash constituents
.3 Animal and vegetable foods
Clas here also works dealing both with food material and its preparation
Subdivided like 630; e.g. 641.33 Cereals, 641.34 Fruits
Prices Relativ cost
Quality and other factors in buying for table
Food preservation Markets
Subdivide like 664 (not yet completed)
For commercial methods see Chemic technology 664.8-.9; for transportation
see 656 (subdivision not completed)
Cookery Cook books
rseneral recipes, specific directions, in whatever form (books, cards, etc) for
preparing food
Distinction between 612.39, 613.2 and 641.5: in 641.5 clas cook books and
collections of recipes in which physiologic and hygienic effects of foods (if
treated at all) ar secondary; in 613.2 clas dietaries and selection and prepara-
tion of food for special systemic conditions, with recipes subsidiary or with
recipes and diet about evenly balanst; in 612.39 clas scientific study of
ohysiologic effects of various foods, regardless of benefit or injury
See also 641.59 Recipes peculiar to special countries: 641.6 Cookery of specific
substances; 641.7 Cookery by specific processes; 641 .8 Composit dishes, ices
confectionery, beverages
Luncheon, afternoon tea, supper
Economic cookery
Special conditions
Under limitations of age, helth. ethical or religious theories, etc.
Invalids and aged Hospital cookery
Ethical limitations
Religious limitations
Seasons and days: Lent, fast days, etc.
Cults: Jews, Buddhists, etc.