Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

839.812 Danish drama 
2 Learned period 1560-1700 
1 Hieronimus Justesen Rauch 1539-1607 2 H:ns Kristensen Sthen 
1544-1603 3 Peder Jensen Hegelund 1542-1614 4 Hans Thomsen 
Stege -1628 5 Jens Lonberg 1663-1700 
Age of Holberg 1700-1750 
1 Ludvig Holberg 1684-1754 
Period of enlightenment 1750-1800 
1 Charlotte Dorothea Biehl 1731-88 3 Ole Johan Samsbe 1759-96 
4 Enevold Falsen 1755-1808 5 Thomas Thaarup 1749-1821 6 Kris 
tian Levin Sander 1756-1819 7 Olaf Kristian Olufsen 1764-1827 
8 Peter Andreas Heiberg 1758-1841 9 Minor writers 
Modern period 1800~ 
1 Casper Johannes Boye 1791-1853 2 Johan Ludvig Heiberg 1791~ 
1860 3 Henrik Hertz 1798-1870 4 Thomas Overskou 1798-1873 
§ Christian Knud Frederik Molbech 1821-88 
Danish fiction 
Modern period 1800— 
t Thomasine Christine Gyllembourg-Ehrensvard 1773-1856 2 Steen 
Steensen Blicher 1782-1848 3 Christian Winther 1796-1876 4 Hans 
Christian Andersen 1803-75 3 Meyer Aaron Goldschmidt 1819- 
87 6 Holger Drachmann 1846-1908 
Danish essays 
Period of enlightenment . 
Rasmus Nyerup 17590-1829 
Modern period 1800~- 
1 Niels Mathias Petersen 1781-1862 2 Soren Aaby Kierkegaard 1813- 
55 6 Georg Morris Cohen Brandes 1842- 
Danish satire and humor 
Period of enlightenment . 1750-1800 
1 Peder Magnus Trojel 1743-96 2 Peder Kofoed Trojel 1754-84 
3 Thomas Kristoffer Bruun 1750-1834 
Danish miscellany 
The subdivisions of 8 show the leading writers in other branches of knowledge. 
In classification, books ar placed with their subjects, theology, history, etc. 
Middle ages 1100-1500 
1 Saxo (Longus): Grammaticus, History, ~1208 2 Svend Aagesen, History 
Reformation 1500-1560 
1 Kristiern Pedersen (Father of Danish literature) 1480-1554 2 Povel 
Eliesen, Sermons, 1480— 3 Hans Mikkelsen, Bible translation, -1532 
4 Peder Plade (Palladius) 1503-60 5 Henrik Smith, Medicin, ~1563 
searned period 1560-1700 
History: Hans Svaning 1508-1584 Anders Sorensen Vedel 1542-1616 
Arild Hvitfeld 1549-1609 Klaus Lyskander 1558-1623 Ole Worm 
1588-1654 Peder Resen 1625-88 } 
Theology: Niels Hemmingsen 1513-1600 Holger Rosenkrantz 1574- 
1642 Jesper Rasmussen Brochmand 1585-1652 
Science: Tyge Brahe, Astronomy, 1546-1601 Kaspar Bartholin, 
Medicin, 1385-1620 Thomas Bartholin, Anatomy, 1616-80 Ole 
Borch, Medicin, 1626-90 Niels Stensen, Anatomy, 1638-86 Ole 
Romer, Astronomy, 1644-1710 
Age of Holberg 1700-1750 
1 Erik Pontoppidan, History, 1608-1764 2 Jacob Langebek, History, 
1710-75 3 Frederik Kristian Eilschov, Education and Philology. 
1725-50 5 Peder Frederik Suhm. History, 1728-08 
Norwegian literature 
Subdivided when needed by form and period like 839.81 Danish literature 
Modern Norwegian poetry 1800- 
Henrik Wergeland 1808-45 
Modern Norwegian drama 1800- 
Henrik Ibsen 1828-1006 
Modern Norwegian fiction 1800~ 
Bjornstjerne Bjornson 1832-1910 
Modern Norwegian essays 1800~ 
Johan Sebastian Cammermever Welhaven 1807-73 

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