Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

3 rovencal literature 
49 P cal literat 
Provengal poetry 
1st period 900—I100 
Poetry in hands of clergy. No folk poetry preservd. Form mainly eple. 
Language not yet fixt. Country under rule of counts, nominally subject to 
emperor, really independent til 1486, then reunited to France 
Epic poetry 
112 Lyric poetry 
.I1Ig Minor poetry Didactic 
I2 Golden age I100—1300 
Poets mainly knights, but after 1250 almost exclusivly burghers. Lyric mosg 
Romances of chivalry 
Girart de Rossilho 
Historical poetry 
Croisade contre les Albigeois 
Romans d’aventures 
Lyric poetry 
Bernart de Ventadorn, flourisht about 
Born, Bertran de * 
Arnaut, Daniel “ “ 
Borneill, Guiraut de “ “ 
Minor poetry 
Nearly soo poets named beside anonymous poems. Form prevails over 
content; great variety of poetic forms. These lyric poets ar the real 
Aftermath 1300-1500 
Downfall of language and literature owing to lack of content and to political 
and social causes, specially the crusade against the Albigenses 
Poets of school of Toulouse 
Arnaut Vidal, first recipient of the Golden Violet, 1324. Poetry artificial, a 
craft. Las Leys d’Amors is the code of poetic laws, by Guillem Molinier, 
chancellor of ‘Consistory de la gaya sciensa’ establisht at Toulouse 1324, 
First prize a golden violet. When in danger of perishing, consistory revived 
in 1484 and poetic exercises styled ‘Jeux floraux’ 
La Noble Leyczon 
Religious poetry of Waldenses 
Minor poetry 
Decadence I1500— 
Provencal sinks to position of a dialect despite fitful attempts to revive it, the 
most recent, that connected with publication of Li Provengalo 1852 
Goudouli, Pierre de 1579-1649 
Despourrins, Cyprien 1698-1755 
Jasmin, Jacques 1798-1864 
Roumanille, Joseph 1818-91 
Aubanel, Jos. Marie J. Baptiste Théodore 1829-86 
Mistral, Frédéric 1830-1914 
Minor poetry 

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