. op
Campain of 1914 continued
Belgium Sep. 28-Dec. continued
Oct. 16-31 Battle of VYser river (Nieuport;
Dec. 28 French occupy St Georges, near Nieuport
Northern France Aug. 1029
Aug. 10-29 Battle of the Ardennes
Aug. 10 French and German troops clash
round Longwy, Spincourt, etc.
25—26 Battles of Landrecies, Maroilles and
Le Cateau
26 Germans take Longwy
26—28 Battle of the Meuse
28 Battles of Signy-1"Abbaye
29 Battle of Guise
Northern France Aug. 30-Sep. 9
Aug. 30 Germans take Amiens, Montmédy, Laon and
La Feére
1 Germans in Compiégne
1-9 Fighting on the Ourcq
2-5 Germans advance to gates of Paris
% occupy fortified position of Condé
4 ¢ Reims
Northern France Sep. 6-17
Sep. 6-12 Battle of the Marne
Sep. 7 Germans begin retreat from the
Marne; take Maubeuge
9 Foch’s decisiv thrust at Les
Marais de St Gond Battle of
La Fére Champenoise
12 German retreat halted on the
12-17 Battle of the Aisne
Northern France Sep. 13-Dec.
Sep 13-27 Battle of Soissons
Sep. 18 Germans bombard Reims
30~-Oct. 18
Battles in Artois
Sep 30-Oct. 8 1st battle of Arras
Oct. 3-12 Operations in Lys valley
3-13 Germans take Tournai,
Douai and Lille
- 16 Allies occupy Armentiéres
Dec. 7 French take Vermelles
Eastern France
Aug. 22 Battle of Ste Geneviéve
24 “ % the Trouée de Charmes
20-Sep. 9 “ “ Nancy, or Grand Couronné
Sep. 21 Germans occupy Les Eparges
23 4 take Varennes-en-Argonne
25 “ 4 St Mihiel; storm 1st
outer Verdun fort, Camp des Romains
Le Bois-le-Prétre Fighting round
Belfort. Verdun and St Mihiel