Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

067.6 British East Africa Kenya colony and protectorate 
British East Africa includes 067.61 Uganda protectorate, 967.62-.69 Kenya 
colony and protectorate, 967.81 Zanzibar, 967.82-.80 Tanganyika territory. 
Clas here general works on whole of British East Africa and those on Kenya 
solony and protectorate alone 
Uganda protectorate 110,300 sq. mi. 
Buganda province 
Masaka, Mubendi, Mengo, Entebbe, including ilands in Victoria Nyanza 
Victoria Nyanza 
Western province 
Kigezi, Ankoli, Toro 
Albert Nyanza 
Eastern province 
Busoga, Bukedi, Teso, Lango, Lobor, Karamojo 
Northern province 
Bunyoro, West Nile, Gulu, Chua 
Rudolf province 
Turkwel, Turkana, Dabossa 
618 Lake Rudolf 
62—.69 Kenya colony and protectorate 246,822 sq. mi. 
62 Nyanza province 
North Kavirondo, Nandi, Kusumu, South Kavirondo, Lumbwa 
Naivasha province 
Southern Masai Reserve, Naivasha (distiict), Laikipia, Eldama Ravine. 
Uasin Gishu, Turkana 
Kenya province 
Nyeri, Meru, Embu, Fort Hall 
Ukamba province 
Kitui, Kikuyu, Machakos 
Seyidie province 
Teita, Vanga, Mombasa, Malind: 
Tanaland province 
Tana River, Lamu 
Jubaland province 
Afmadu, Kismayu, Serenli 
Northern Frontier District 
Not yet organized as a province 
French Somali Coast French East Africa 5790 sq. mi. 
Obok, Tajura, Jibuti 
British Somaliland protectorate 68.000 sq. mi. 
Sokotra iland 1382 sq. mi. 
[talian Somaliland 139.430 sq. mi. 
Sultunate of the Mijertins 
Territory of the Nogal 
Sultunate of Obbia 
Southern Italian Somaliland (formerly cald Benadir) 
Medio Shebeli, Basso Shebeli, Alto Shebeli, Alto Juba 

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