Full text: Tables (Volume 1)

Editions 113 
Editorship 47° 
Education, methods of 522 
Education of the masses 53° 
Efficiency in English, committee on 49' 
Endowment of special departments 
English languaj, caracter of 527; 
chanjes in 51, 53°-547, 55-56%; 
conciseness in use of 54%-55%; pur- 
nose of 54!, 63%; world languaj 527 
537, 63° 
English speling caracterized 514 
Entries, aded 293-30° 
Equality syn, meaning 426 
Expansions 19! 
Masses, education of 53° 
Minor subjects, disposition of 16? 
Minute clasing, see Close clasing 
Mnemonics, use of 19*-20° 
Modern Languaj Association, com- 
mittee on key alfabet for Standard 
dictionary 49° 
Money wasted by English speling 51° 
Name catalog 23° 
National Education Association, com- 
mittee on key alfabet for Standard 
dictionary 49% 12 words 56°, 57! 
Naught, normal value of 15°; uzed for 
chanjed caracter of subdivision 15%; 
for form distinctions 172; for jeneral 
works 3!, 15!, 17%; initial and final 
Naught, dubl, meaning jeneral points 
of view 427; subdivisions peculiar to a 
subject 42% 
Nemonics, use of 19*—20° 
New subjects, disposition of 16° 
Notation 12!; simplicity 10? 
Note books, use of D C for 45° 
Note typ 18 
Numeration, method of 278 
Fiction, treatment of 357 
PFilolojic associations, rules 567, 62°-63 
Fonetic speling 49°, 517 
Form distinctions, position 177; use 
_ of 17? 
Form divisions, uniform numbers 17 
Form syn 42! 
Future of D C 48 
Heds 12°; choice and arranjement I6f 
Hyfen, meaning in C D 41° 
[deal in speling 49° 507, 63° 
Importance of speling reform 53° 
[mprovements (so-cald) of D C 34? 
Inconsistencies in speling, D C rules 
61%; S S B method 51! 
Index 37, 10,8, 7, 117, 12%,128-14%; a dic- 
tionary catalog 24%; effect of chanjes 
in tables 343; essential feature of DC 
117; fulness 128-14°; ilustration of use 
131-8; labor of constructing 46°; plan of 
279-281; scope 14%; sugjestionsfor uzing 
27°-285%, 325; use of blakface typ 137 
Index rerums, use of D C for 44° 
Index tables, appended 20? 
Infinity simbol, meaning 42* 
[nstitut International de Bibliographie, 
adoption of Decimal clasification 40%, 
extension of D C by 40%; obligations 
to 472 
[nternational languaj 527-53%, 63° 
Johnson’s dictionary 55° 
Jujment, exercize of 52* 
Tuvenil literature, treatment 35%—36% 
Obligation, speling 53° 
Order, of bibliografic simbols 43'; of 
clases, broken 30%; of subjects 168 
Pamflets, advantajes of D C for 25! 
Paper, sizes 44-45 
Paralel libraries, treatment of 368-373, 
Parenthetic numbers, form 42!; place 
Pedants rules 53%-54° 
Philolojic associations, rules 567, 625-63 
Phonetic speling 49°, 517 
Place syn 42°; use of 41° 
Plus syn, meaning 41° 
Points of view, jeneral, syn for 42° 
Pro and con division of topics 398-40! 
Pronouncing correctly, imposibility of 
Pronunciation, variations in 50%, 51% 
52%, 54° 
Quotation marks, meaning 42° 
Lake Placid Club Education Founda. 
tion 48° 
Languaj, purpose of 54!, 63%; universa’ 
Languaj and literature, combining 37° 
Languaj colections 36°-372 
Languaj syn 42% 
Letter notations for chanjes 35° 
Letters, new 50° 
Libraries uzing D C 10%-113 
Literature and languaj, combining 37° 
Reazoning power dednd 51%-52° 
Reazons for simpler speling 514-537 
Recataloging or reclasifying, advan 
tajes of D C in 26? 
Reference library, treatment of 37° 
Refinements in speling, theoretic 63° 
Reformd speling, see Speling, simpler 
Relation syn 41%-42!; use 413 
Relativ Index, see Index 
Relativ location 219-23! ;need of 219-22’ 
Revision of D C, basis of C D 40? 
Rules for simpler speling 56*—63° 

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