| Coroners law 347.96
local gov't 352.9
Corpora albicantia anat. 611.8142
cavernosa “ 611.645
quadrigemina “ 611.8153
Corporal punishment 371.55
Corporate industries 338.7
Corporation, city admin. 352.003
skools econ. 33I.862
Corporations 360
business 380
charitable 361
industrial man. 658.1145
law of 347.1
mining 622
municipal 352
railroad 385
army U.S. civ. war
judicial univ. admin,
Corpulence disease
callosum anatomy 611.8139
physiology 612.8261
luteum anatomy 611.652
embryology 611.01317
spongiosum anatomy 611.646
striatum # 611.8132
physiology 612.8267
Corpuscles chemistry 541.2
red physiol. 612.111
white “ 612.112
Corpuscular theory of light 535.1
matter 530.1
Correction, houses of 364
arch. 725.63
astronomy 522.9
by readers lib. economy 024.81
gravity experiments 526.73
of orbit astronomy 521.35
perspectiv 515.66
methed of teaching
of figures mod. geom.
forces physics
Corium anatomy 611.778
Cork, Ireland history 041.95
travel 014.195
Corkborers chemistry 542.25
Corkwood botany 583.972
Corliss engin 621.1644
Cormorant birds 598.43
Corn cereals 633.15
clubs 630.717
duty on 337.5
foods zootechny 636.08615
harvesters 631.355
harvesting 631.555
laws 337.5
salad 635.57
shellers 631.3614
smuts botany 589.227
trade pol. econ. 338.1
vegetables 635.67
Cornaceaz botany 583.497
Cornea anatomy 611.8413
eye-diseases 617.71
physiology 612.8411
Corneille, P! Fr. drama 842.41
T; *# “ 842.43
Cornelius Agrippa philos. 189.5
Cornell university 378.747
Cornet wind instrum. 788.3
Cornises archit. construc. 721.2%
« design ¥20,31
Indian fowls 636.58814
languaj 491.67
pumps mine drainage 622.53
Corno di Cabento W. war 1918 940.4372
Corns dermatology 616.54
Cornstalks zootechny 636.0862355
!Cornwall, England hist. ¢42.37
Cornwall sheep 636.3266
Cornwallis’ surrender 973.3375
Corolliflore botany 583.5
Corona of sun 523.75
Coronado discov. of Am. ¢73.16
Coronariez botany 584.3
arteries anatomy 611.1322
physiology 612.1721
gastric artery anatomy 611.13643
nervs “ 611.8393
valv oo“ 611.1266%
Coronation ceremonies 394.43
Coronel World war 1914 940.454
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index