Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Cribbing student life 341.81 
amusements 796.358 
fights amusements 791.8 
zoology : 595.729 
Cries, battle warcustoms 399 
street folklore 398.8 
Crime and illiteracy educ. 379.21 
law 343 
suffrage disqualificat'n 324.173 
ICrimea history 947.7 
Crimean war English hist. 942.08 
Russian “ 947.07 
Crimes and punishments 343.2 
classes reform. assoc. 364 
courts administration 351.945 
law 343 
international 341.4 
trials criminal law 343.1 
education of 371.93 
juvenil childstudy 136.763 
law 343 
lives 923.41 
Criminology 364 
Crinoidea zoology 503.91 
Crippld education 371.916 
children hospitals 362.78 
Criptogamia 586 
Criptografic art  relig. art 246.5 
Criptografy secret writ. 652 
Crises, commercial econ. 332 
aggregations  cristallog. 
lens anatomy 
state chemistry 
practical chemistry 542.65 
strength of materials 620.1125 
Cristallizers prac. chem. 542.65 
Cristallografy 548 
Cristalloids 541.345 
Criterion ethics [71 
Critical philosofy 142 
Criticism art jor 
biblical 220.7% 
dramatic 702 
literary 801 
musical 780.072 
rhetoric 8a8 
Crittenden compromise 973.712 
Croatia history 943.94 
{Croatian language 491.83 
5 literature 891.83 
swine 636.473 
Crocheting dom. econ. 646.2% 
fancywork 746 
manuf, 677.662 
Crockery pottery 738 
Crocodile worship 291.2124 
zoology 598.14 
Crofton system prisons 3653 
Croisade contre les Albigeois 
Provengal lit. 849.122 
Croisilles ~~ World war 1918 940.4355 
ICromarty, Scot. history og41.13 
Cromlechs prehis. arch. 571.94 
Cromwell, O. Eng. hist. 942.064 
R: “ “ 942.005 
Crookes tubes elec. light. 621.3274 
Crookneck squash 635.621 
Crop farming 633 
farms 631.141 
insurance 368.5 
rotation 631.382 
Crops agriculture 633 
tools for cleaning 631.362 
Croquet 796.354 
Cross (G: Eliot) Eng. fic. 823.88 
Cross arms elec. lines 621.319224 
bow - archery 799.32 
Christian symbol 247.9 
country running 796.42 
legends concerning 398.22 
system shorthand 653.36 
ties forest product 634.9833 
Crossbreeding  zootechny 636.08242 
Crossing bee keeping 638.1453 
plant breeding 631.523 
Crossings, railway eng. 625.16 
Crossopterygii 597.46 
Crothers, R. Amer. drama 812.5 
S: M. ¢ essays 814.5 
Croton aqueduct engin'g 628.14 
grape 634.8452 
oil toxicology 615.93 
Croup diseases 616.201 
Crow zool., 598.86 
Crowbar 631.3116 
Crowberry botany 583.984 
Crowfoot “ 583.111 
Topics in black face tvpe are subdivided. Superior ficures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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