Curvs | Cuttlebone zoology 594.58
analytic geometry 816.2 Cuttlefish 9 594.56
geometry 513.2 Cutworms agric. pests 632.78
of double curvature Cuxhaven, Ger.
modern anal. geom. 516.58 World war air raid 1914 940.444
geom. 513.58 Ger. nav. base 940.453
plane, theory of calculus 517.24 nav. raid 1914 940.454
railway engineering 625.11 Cuyahoga co. O. history 977.131
roadmaking 625.72 Cyane, capture of U.S. hist.973.525%
Cushions dom. economy 645.47 Cyanids chem. tech. 661.7
Custard apple narcot. poisons 615.963
botany Cyanogen organ.chem. 547.1
family Co agric. . Cycadacea botany 585.9
fruit raising Cycas ® 585.9
Custom Roses architect. Cyclades ancient history 939.15
and duties tariff modern © 049.95
Cyclamen bot. 583.672
manners Cyclanth bot 84.6
bad social hygiene yclanthaces ® any 54.02
local folklore Cycles, motor engin’g 629.2
of primitiv man Cycling recreation 796.6
war ice sport 796.97
student life Cycloidal curvs anal.geom. 516.26
taxation Cyclones meteorology 551.5%
Cut flowers foriculture Cyclopean remains Gk arch.722.8
COlanenis Cyclopedias, general 030
absorption physiology 612.384 ? special, see subject
diseases pathology 616.5 Cyclops zoology 595.34
glands physiology 612.792 Cyclostoma mollusks 594.711
nerv of neck anatomy 611.83332 Cyclostomes fishes 597.2
thigh “« 611.83544 Cylinder,Cylindric, see Cilinder,
respiration physiology 612.793 Cilindric
secretion ‘ 612.792 Cymbals mus. instrum. 789.2
sensibility “ 612.794 Cymric group of languages 491.65
Cutaneus surae lateralis 611.83582 t language 491.66
Cuticle anatomy 611.771 5 literature 891.66
Cutis vera ‘ 611.778 Cynewulf Ang. Sax. poet. 829.4
Cutlery manufacture 672 Cynic philosof 3
ynic philosofy 183.4
Cuts, Fr. World war 1918 940.4353 Cynicism 137
Cuts practical printing 655.32 ] es
railway engineering 525.12 Cynopithecidae zool. 599.82
Cutter, stalk 631.3166 Cynthiana grape 634845109
Cutters, ensilage 631.363 Cyperacee botany 584.84
weed 631.3155 Cypher writing 65a
Cutting benches 631.335 Cyphomandra 634.7761
cycle forestry 634.928324 Cypress botany 585.2
machinery 621.93 forestry 634.9755
of stone masonry 693.12 Cypriote architecture 722.3
silviculture 634.9522 Cyprus ancient history 939.37
tools offis fittings 651.4651 bi modern “ 956.4
Cuttings ‘arm operations 631.535 Cyrano de Bergerac, S. 843.46
floriculture 635.948 + Cyrenaic philosofy 183.5
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this Index