Daniel Dartos anatomy 611.6384
apocalypse pseudepigrafa 229.913 Darwin, Rhodesia hist. 968.9385
profesy canonical books 224.5 Darwinism biology 575
Daniel, S: Eng. poetry 821.33 physiology 612.609
Danish Dass, Peder Norw. poetry 839.8213
architec. Romanesque Dals
cattle } collecting forestry 634.928332
England Eng. hist. statistical offis rec. 651.5632
iland swine statistics 311.22
langus] Date
| a burs of session legislativ bodies 328.352
merinos .
. palm fruit culture 634.62
West Indies, bo ag S stamps ~~ manuf. 681.6263
. yo. 973-913 offis fittings ~~ 651.4653
4Dankali languaj 493.55
Es a Dates chronology 902
Dante Alighieri Ital. poet. 851.15 .
{Dantzi — 13.12 Dati, Carlo Ital. essays 854.54
a 0 a Dating nding oad. G91.6063
Danube river travels 914.96 i offis econ. 651.265
. ; Datiscez botany 583.469
Danubian prov. history 049.6 A
travels 014.96 Dativ case syntax Greek 485.5
Danville, Il. history ~~ 977.365 Latin 475.5
Daphnales botany 583.03 Daudet, Alphonse Fr. fic. 843.88
‘Dagahliya hist. 962.13 Daughters
Darbar social customs 304.44 colonial, of 17th century 369.128
Darbyites sects 289.9 of 1776-1812, soc. of U.S. 369.142
Darc, Jeanne Fr. history 944.026 the Amer . revolution 369.135
Dardanelles Cincinnati, soc. 369.132
World war 1915 Allied 0p.940.4259 confeder acy 369.175
bomb'mt 940. 455 revolution 369.136
Dar-es-Salam, Tanganyika ter. ‘Dauphin co, Pa. history 974. 818
L history 967.83 'Dauphiny, France hist. 944.96
~ World war 1916 940.4298 travel 914.496
Darfur, Egypt history 962.7 Daurat, Jean Fr. poetry 841.31
travel 916.27 Davanzati, B. Ital. essays 854.44
Darien Davenant, W: Eng. dram. 822.41
expedition colonies 325.86 ‘Davenport, Ia. history 977.7693
emigrants 325.241 Davidson, J: Eng. poet. 821.89
foren trade 382 Davies, J: “© 821.35
' isthmus history 986 Daviess co. Ind. history 977.238
1 “
ship canal engineering 626.9 } Mo. 977.818
sociology 386.2 Davis, John discov. of Am.973.17
Dark ages Europ. hist. 940.1 RH Amer. fic. 813.49
room lib. bildings 022.658 'Davis co. la. history ~~ 977.797
Darke co. O. history 077.147 Dawes commission U. S. hist. 973.915
Darling, Ft, Va. U.S. hist. 973.7365 Dawson, Yukon 971.21
Darning dom. econ. 646.24 Day
needle zool. 595.733 nurseries 362.7
twist cot. manuf. 677.2162 of judgment doc. theol. 236.9
Darter birds 598.43 schools intermed. educ. 373.2
Dartmoor sidereal and solar 529.1
pony 636.1625 time of hygiene 613.13
prison U.S. war 1812 973.5271 working pol. econ. 331.811
sheep 636.3262 Davily zool. 595.734
[Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index