domestic econ. 645.44
information offis. ec. 651.456
library econ. 022.913
museum “ . 069.3312
offis equipment 651.233
Desmidiaceze algae 589.61
Des Moines city, Ia. hist. 977.7581
co. © “ 977.796
De Soto co. Fla. hist.” "975.959
Desperriers, B. Fr. fiction 843.32
Desportes, P. “ poetry 841.38
Despotism form of state 321.6
Despots Italian history 945.03
Despourrins, C. Prov. poet.849.142
Dessication prac. chem. 542.48
Destouches, P.N. Fr.dram. 842.53
elemental - agriculture 632.1
Destructors san. engin'g ~~ 628.44
ethics 74.7
floating pol. econ. 336.32
local government 352.1
public 336.3
Detacht city houses archi. 728.3
vowels shorthand 653.01
Detection of fire prot. of life 614.842
Detectivs 352.2
fertilizers agric.
Determinants algebra
of earth’s figure 526.1
orbits astron. 521.3
rock minerals 552.81
Determinations, astr. geod. 526.6
Determinativ mineralogy 549.1
Determinism doc. theol. 234.9
philosofy 150
physiology 612.6%
rates public heith 614.12
‘theology . 236.1
Deths public helth 614.12
registers of 029.3
registration, official 352.4
statistics 312
Dethwatch zool. 505.732
projectil chem. tech. 662.4
mil. engin’g 623.45424
Detritus geology 552.51
Detroit, Mich. history 977.434
surrender U.S. hist.973.5231
Dets, state and national - 336.4—-.9
Dettmann shorthand 653.34
Dettor and creditor law 347.7
Deuterocanonical books 220
Deuteromycetes 589.24
Deuteronomy Bible 222.1¢
‘Deutsch, Platt language 439.4
5 literature 839.4
Deux Sevres. Fr. history 944.62
Developing interest in lib. 021.7
method teach’g 371.34
incomplete deformities 617.31
intellectual, and church 261.5
nutrition 501.135
of embryo, abnor. anat. 611.012
surg. 617.3
anatomy 611.013
physiology 612.64
zoology 591.33
germ-cells zoology 591.172
sperm-cells embryol. 611.0131%
zoology 591.171
period of full ~~ physiol. 612.66
physiology 612.6
Deth projections geodesy 526.83
after delivery obstetrics 618.79 theory apologetics 239.8
and resurrection 236 evolution 575.6
biology 577 .% Devereaux grape 634.8452
by electricshock physiol. 612.01442¢ Deviation of
dance of emblems 246.5 compass magnetism 538.7
from cold physiology 612.592 falling bodies astron. 525.37
heat “ 612.591 Devices, safety, see Safety
nature of 612.013 special, perspectiv. 515.68
of fetus pregnancy 618.33 Devil, personal theology 235
penalty criminal law 343.2 worship 201.216
Tonics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this inder