Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Drink chemic analysis 543.1 
Drinking, social ethics 178.3 
songs 784.4 
usages customs 394.1 
Drinks, see Beverages 
Drinkwater, J: Eng. drama 822.91 
poetry 821.91 
Drives landsc. gardening 713 Drying 
Driving horsemanship 798.64 food preservation 641.4 
logging 634.982542 laundry process 648.3 
Drocourt-Quéant line practical chemistry 542.68 
World war 1918 940.4355 printing 655.33 
Droguet silk manuf. 677.41646 Dryplate processes fotog. 772 
Dromaeidae birds 598.53 Dual alliance W. war causes 940.3117 
Dromedary domes. animals 636.295 Duala history 967.12 
Dréme, France history 944.98 Dualism ontology III 
Drones bee keeping 638.1215¢8 Parsee heresies 273.2 
Droop system suffrage 324.224 Parseeism 295 
Dropping out skools 371.2913 Duality mod. geometry 513.51 
Dropsy diseases 616 Du Bellay, J. Fr. poetry ~~ 841.32 
Droseracezze botany 583.393 Dublin, Ire. history 941.83 
Drought agriculture 632.12 travel 914.183 
} meteorology 551.57 university 378.415 
Drowning protec. of life 614.81 Dubno World war 1915 940.4254 
Drugget manuf. 677.61622 1916 940.4277 
Brigs . 615.3 1Dubois co. Ind. history ~~ 977.237 
adulteration of 614.35 1Dubuque city Ia. a 977.7397 
analytic chemistry 543.4 1 co. « « 977.739 
© economic botany 581.63 Ducis, J. F. Fr. drama 842.61 
intoxicating ethics 178.8 
hygiene 613.8 Duck : 
Draids 299.16 on the rock game 
Drum musical instrum. 789.1 roofing bilding 
boiler steam eng. 621.1845 shooting 
Drumhed of ear anat. =~ 611.855 Duck-bild platypus  zool. 
Drumlins geology 551.33 Duckmole zoology 
Drummers sales dep’t 658.846 Ducks poultry 
Drummond, W: Eng. poet. 821. 36 zoology 
W:H: Can. poet.811.49 Duckshot grape 
tDrummond co. Que. history 971.456 Duckweed 
light 665.7 Ductility molecular phys. 
Dra mining eng. 622.67 Ducts, air ventilation 
Drunkenness crim. law 343 kidney anatomy 
Drupaceous fruits 634.2 diseases 
Drury’s Bluff, Va. battle 973.7365 see also qualifying word 
Druses religion 297 Dudevant, A.L.A.D. Fr. fic. 843.82 
Dry Dueling ancient law 340.3 
cleaning dom. econ. criminal 343 
distillation ~~ lumber customs 394.8 
docks engineering ethics 179.7 
shipbilding student life 371.82 
farming Dues museum support 069.6423 
goods trade production Duets vocal music 784.82 
method qualita. anal. Du Fail, Nogl Fr ficiion 843.34 
quantita. “ ‘Dufferin co. Ont. history 971.341 
point engraving Dufresny, C: R. Fr. dram. 842.47 
rot  bilding Dugouts boatbilding 623.8212 
Tonics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 
soils floriculture 635.9553 
Dryden, J: Eng. poetry 821.48 
Dryers laundry 648.3 
textil manuf. 677.0285] 
For kind applyd to special fiber 
see name of fiber

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