anatomy 611.83192 Elvs folklore . 398.4
physiol. 612.8192 Elzevir editions rarities 094.1
IElgin, Scotland history 941.23 Emanation metaphysics 129.5
! city IIL “ 977.323 Emancipation
co. Ont. “ 971.334 of slaves 326.8
marbles 733 woman 396.1
Elian philosofers Gk phil. 183.7 proclamation TU. S. hist. 973.714
Elias, Apoc. of pseudepig. 229.913 Embalming customs 393.3
Book of « 229.915 pub. helth 614.64
Eliesen, Povel Dan. mis. 839.81822 Embankments reclamation 631.64
Eligibility river eng. 627.4
to legislativ body 328.331 Embargo martial law 344
offis citizenship 323.68 of 1808-12 U.S. hist. 973.48
Eliminants algebra 512.85 Embassadors interna. law 341.7%
Eliot, George Eng. fic. 823.88 polit. sci. 32%
Elis ancient history 038.8 Embellishment music 781.67
Elixir of life alchemy 540.1 Emblematic art ecclesiol. 246.5
Elizabeth, Queen Eng. hist. 942.055 Emblems “. 246
'Elizabeth city, N. J. “ 974.937 Embolism of pulmon. artery 616.247
L co. Va. “ 975.541 Embossing book lib. econ. 025.252
Elizabethan persecutions 272.7 telegraf eng. 621.38244
style arch. 724.4 Embost
Elk co. Kan. history 378.1915 books printing for blind 655.38
Pa. “ 974.865 caracters writ. mach. mnf, 681.6131
t valley, W. Va. “ 975.464 silk manuf, © 677.41649
Elkhart co. Ind. “ 977.281 Embroiderd damask manuf. 677.61621
Elkhorn tavern, Ark. Embroidery 746
U. 8S. civ. war canvas manuf. 677.116413
Elliot, Tembuland hist, twist, cotton 677.2162
Elliotdale ¢ # "* linen 677.11612
Ellipse analytic geom. silk 677.4162
geometry wool 677.3162
Ellipsis Eng. language Embryo anatomy 611.013
2 other languages physiology 612.64
Ellipsoid analytic geom. 516.43 zoology 591.33
Ellipsoidal figure geodesy 526.16 Embryology animals 591.3
Ellipsoids, potentials of 526.11 bee keeping 638.1213
Elliptic functions calculus 517.36 botany 581.3
Ellipticity, law of geodesy 526.13 experimen. 611.0130
Ellis, Havelock Eng. essays 824.91 human 611.013
Ellis co. Kan. hist. 978.119 physiology 612.64
Ellsworth co. Kan. “ 978.1535 Embryotomy obstet. oper. 618.83
Elm botany 583.962 IEmbu history 967.64
forestry 634.9728 Emden
Elmira, N. Y. history 974.779 cruiser World war 1914 940.454
Elocution 808.5 goose 636.5983
vocal culture 784.9 Emergencies surgery 617.1
Elongated Emergency help dom. econ. 647.29
bullets ordnance 623.45125 Emerson, RW. Am. lit. 814.36
small arms 623.4552 phil. 191.3
projectils ordnance 623.4512 transcendentalism 141
Eloquence 808.5 + Emery econom. geol. 553.65
> Eng. oratory 825 wheels mach. tools 621.923
‘Elu languaj 491.48 | Emetics physiology 612.3278
Elvira grape 634.843209 therapeutics 615.731
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior fizures refer to the tables at the end of this index
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