Subject Index
A B C telegraf elec. eng. 621.38222
A L A publishing board 020.627
A 1a carte table system 642.53
Aagesen, Svend Dan. misc. 839.81812
‘Aajamba history 968.86
Abaca agriculture 633.571
Abacus arithmetic © 511.2
manuf, 681.144
Abandond children, see Depend-
nerv anatomy 611.8316
eye 612.8466
physiology 612.8196
nucleus anatomy 611.8175
Abduction criminal law 343
Abductors anatomy
digiti quinti brevis 611.73776
hallucis 611.7389
of thum, long 611.7376%
short 611.73773
Abecedarians christ. sect 284.3
Abelard medieval philos. 189.4
Abelian functions 517.36
1Abeokuta history 966.92
1 Cape of Good Hope hist. 968.743
1 Scotland hist. 941.25
travel 914.125
Aberdeen Angus cattle 636.2231
astronomy corrections 522.94
chromatic optics 535.4
mental disease 616.8
hospitals 362.2
insanity 132
puerperal 618.76
spheric optics 535.3
Abeyance 347.6
Ability, human doctrin 233.4
natural economics 331.1142
offis econ. 651.3442
architecture 725.28
public helth 614.741
sanitary engineering 628.549
Abbassides History 056
Abbéville, treaty 341.2
Abbey schools education 377.3
Abbeys architecture 726.7
history 271
Abbot of misrule customs 394
Abbots monastic orders 271
English paleografy 421.8
Greek “ 481.8
Latin “ 471.8
other languages
literary methods
Abchasian language
absolute monarchy 321.6
constitutional history 342
monarchy 321.7% Abiogenesis
Abdomen anatomy 611.903 animals
surgery 617.55 biology
Abdominal plants
aorta anatomy 611.136 Abipones history
esophagus “ 611.3293 !Abitibi co. Que. history
lymph glands “ 611.465 Abjuration
lymphatics “ 611.4215 oath of relig. hist. 283.42
muscles “ 611.736 Ablainzeville, France
oblique muscles “ 611.7363 World war 1018 940.4353
sympath. ganglions “ 611.899 Ablation
physiol. 612.893 of brain physiology 612.8226
nervs anat. 611.8303 liver “ 612.359
Abdomino-aortic stomach “ 612.3233
glands anatomy 611.4652 | Ablativ Latin syntax 475.5
Fopies in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index