Fonology 414
Fonoscribing shorthand 653.2
Font sacred furniture 247.1
Fontainbleu grape 634.849
Fontaine-les-Croisilles, Fr.
World war 1918 940.4355
Notre-Dame, Fr. Foot
World war 1918 940.4362 arteries anatomy
Fontana’'s spaces anatomy 611.8415 ball amusements
Fontanelles “ 611.7141 bridges engin’g
Fontanes, Louis Fr. poet 841.62 * English prosody
Fontenelle, B. le B. de 844.51 human anatomy
Fonzaso, Italy World war 1917 940. 4324 lymphatics “
'Foochow history 951.2 chures
I 015.12 muscles anatomy
Food prints, fossil paleontol.
acquisition physiol. zool. 591.137 races
adulterations pub. helth 614.31 stools dom. econ.
animal chem. tech. 664.9 warmers } ‘ ‘
econ. zoology 591.63 wear clothing
bee keeping 638. 12153 Foote, M.. H. Amer. fic.
cand adulterations 614.318 S: Eng. drama
chemic analysis gp Footmen dom. servis
technology 664 Forage crops foods
chemistry of dom. econ. 641.1 —
chiltein’s Cf 649.3 Foramen interventrioulare
constituents, inorganic 641.13 £M
organic 641.11 | OF onto
Foramina of metepicele
cost zootechny 636.08171 nd
; Foraminifera zoology
cures therapeutics 615.854 Force
digestion and nutrition 612.3 .
zoology 591.13 and energy statics 531.2
domestic economy 641 oy mesure mechan, 531.21
bygone loa cod wdemper songs
. ra . 531.22
Influence on sesphation 612.224 electric, storage of eng. A 35
inspection adulterations 614.31 transmissien “ 621.310
of animals zoology 591.53 physics 537.84
} zootechny 636.085 intermolecular “ 539.6
dairy cows dairying 637.122 lines of magnetism 538.1
laboring classes 331.834 metaphysics 118
plants 581.13 of water river eng’'ng 627.1
physiology 612.302 parallel mechanics 531.24
preservation pump pneumatics 533.84
animal chem. tech. transmission of millwork 621.8
vegetable “ “ physics 531.8
preservd adulterations Forced alimentation hyg. 613.23
stuffs dom. econ. draft steam eng. 621.183853
pol. “ feeding zootechny 636.08456
values dom. “ Forceps obstetrics 618.81
vegetable econ. botany surg. instrum. 617.91
zoology weeding 631.3154
Topics in black face type are subdivided, Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of thig index