t Hope, Cape of history 968.7
travels 916.87
natural theol. 216
Templars temperance 178.06
Goodenovieee botany 583.58
Goodness ethics 179.9
Goose, see also Geese
Goose, Mother folklore
Goose game
bush fruits 634.725
Otaheite palm. fruits 634.666
Goosefoot botany 583.914
Gopher cultivator 631.3164
Gordiacea zoology 595.131
IGordonia history 968.786
1Gorée history 966. 32
Gorgias Greek philos. 183.1
Gorgonzola cheese 637.3535
Gorham controv. baptism 265.1
Gorilla zoology 599.82
I history 943.68
World war 1915 940.4248
1916 940.4274
1917 940.4324
nav. attack 1916 940.456
Gorkha languaj 491.43
Gorky, Maxim Rus. fic. © 891.73
Gorz, see Gorizia
Gosnold, B. discov. of Am.g73.17
Gospels Anglican ritual 264.036
Bible : 226
harmonies of 226.1
pseudo 229.8
Gosse, E. W: Eng. essays 824.88
Gossip ethics 177.2
Gosts folklore 398.4
occultism 133.1
Gotama Buddhism 204.3
Gothe, J;W.von Ger. dram. 832.62
kingdom Italian hist.
Span. “
Goths ancient hist. 936.36
German “ 943.01
Gottfried von Strassburg
German poetry 831.23
Gottschall, K:R. Ger.dram.832.84
Gottsched, J; C. “ “832.54
LAV. « « 832.55
Gouache painting 751
Goudouli, P. de Prov.poet. 849.141
Goumi agriculture 634.743
Gourbu grape 634.8544
botany 583.461
rag agriculture 635.627
wax “ 635.618
Gournay fowls “ 636.546
Gout diseases 616.991
Gouveio grape 634.85469
IGove co. Kan. hist. 978.115
system suffrage 324.224
Governess private educ. 373.1
Governing board, library 023.3
museum 069.632
appointment of legislators 328.3351
bildings architecture 725.1
central administration 351
foren states 354
church 262
control insurance 368.91
divine 231.7
employees cl. of workers 331.795
family ethics 173
foren countries 354
forms of 321
intervention economics 331.99
libraries 027.5
library economy 023
loans finance 336.3
local administration 352
officers in legislativ bodies 328.3321
political science 320
723.5 post 383.4
246.1 publishing 655.59
945.01 school education 371.5
946.01 science of polit. science 320
! language 439.9 U. S. and state administ. 353
literature 839.9 vessels fighting 623.825
revival architecture 724.3 nonfighting 623.826
Victorian “ 724.4 Governors biografy 023.2
'Gothland, Sweden hist. 948.6 | steam turbins 621.16535
Topics in black face tyne are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index