Guinea Gun
1Gulf of, ilands hist. 966.99 boats shipbilding 623.825
! Lower, Africa history 967.1 carriages, traction of 623.58
1 New history 995 cotton explosivs 662.2
travels 919.5 making 683
! Upper, Africa history 966.5 mounts, reaction of 623.57
Guinea fowls 636.593 naval engineering 623.825
goat 636.3986 Gunnbiorn discov. of Amer.g73.13
goose 636.59886 Gunnery mil. eng. 623.5
pigs dom. animals 636.9 Gunning sports 700.2
zoology 599.3 Gunpowder
en oe. 35 care mil. engin’g 623.48
re i: ) x explisivy 662.3
Guinicelli, Guido Ital. poet. 851.13 manufacture ro Aen: or 3 ol
Gute, Br. World war 1914 o1 ry Military engineering 623.435
1918 040. 4366 plot English history 942.061
Guitar music 787.61 Guns
iGujerati language 491 . 47 animal capture zootech. 636.081112
Gulf military engineering 623.4
co. Fla. hist. 975.9947 theory of 623.51
of Mexico phys. geog. 551.463 Gunshot wounds surgery 61 7.145%
society of army and Gunter’s scale math. instr. 510.8
navy of 369.156 '‘Gurara history 965.7
squadron U.S.civ.war 973.756 Gurjun balsam botany 583.167
states, U. S. history 976 'Gurma history 966.25
For military history of all or Gurney shorthand 653.32
indivi see subdivision .
a ee Military Sma history 966. 63
history under 973.52, 973.7 and ustaf 3 Swed. drama 839.7232
973.89 Gustation physiology 612.87
stream phys. geografy 551.4%1 Gustavus Adolphus
Gulfs Swedish history 948.04
hydrografy of survey's 526.99 miscellany 839.7824
Gull birds 598.42 Gut, primitiv = embryol. 61r.01333
Gullet, diseases of 616.32 Gutcleaning air pollution 614.742
Gulu history 967.616 Gutedel grape ~~ Austrian 634.85436
Gum bee products 638.1216 French 634.8544
collectors 631.3588 Gutenberg hist. of print. 655.111
Gumbinnen World war 1914 AH Guthrie co. Ia. history 977 Fan
Gumbo or Gutierrez, A. G. Span.poet.861. 54
ota: .
Gumd gauz manuf. Sy £38 Bi rubber manuf. 678
labels offis upplys 651.4667 serena eye diseases 617.75
Gums tomy" Grz.30y Guttiferae botany 583.163
and ll chem. tech. 668.4 isiiiteralen “ 583.16
chemistry of nutrition 612.39612 'Gutu history 968.9335
fossil econom. geol. 553.29 Gutzkow, K: F. Ger. dram. 832.78
gathering agric. 631.5568 'Guyandotte val. W. Va. hist.g75. 441
perfume plants “ 633.816 Guyot de Provins Fr.satire 847.11
vegetable drugs 615.335 Guys elec. lines 621.319223
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of thisindex