Halloweve customs 394.268
folklore 398.3323
central lib. bildings 022.51
city architecture 725.13
exhibition 725.91
for lectures “ 725.83
music ® 725.81
public hygiene 613.55
riding architecture 725.88
society student life 371.86
temporary architecture 725.92
town “ 725.13
turn “ 725.85
mind and body
Halma game
Halogen group chemistry
Haloids organ. chem.
Haloragez botany
Halos optics
religious art
‘Halton co. Ont. hist.
Ham, Fr.
World war 1918 Mar. 940.4341
Sep. 940.4354
Hamadan, Per. W. war 1915 940.4264
1916 940.4294
1917 940.4334
Hamamelidee botany 583.394
Hamamelis therap. 615.323394
"Hamar, Norway history 948.3
Hamatum, os anatomy 611.71778
Hamburg, Ger. history 943.515
travels 914.3515
fowls 636.531
Hamel, Fr. World war 1918 940.4344
Alexander Am. oratory 815.21
Cosmo Eng. drama 822.91
fiction 823.91
Sir W: Eng. philos. 192.9
Hamilton city, O. hist. 977.1757
Ont. “ 971.352
co. Fla. ¢ 975.984
mn. “ 977-395
nd. * 977.256
la. © 977.752
Kan. “ 978.1415
N.Y. ¢ 974.752
Hamitic languajes 493
races 572.893
Hammarskold, L. 839.7462
Hammer anat. of ear 611.857
Hammers cattle 636.2262
machine tools 621.97
Hammersmith, London hist.942.13
Hammocks manuf. 685.534
Hampden co. Mass. hist. 974.42
Hampers manuf. 685.517
Hampshire co. Mass. hist. 974.42
X W.Va. “ 975.495
down sheep 636.3232
swine 636.4842
Hampstead, London hist. 942.14
Hamrin; Mesop. W. war 1917 940.4333
Hamsun, K. Norw. fic. 839.8236
Hancock co. Ill. hist. 977.343
! Ind. “ 977.258
Ia. “977-724
Me. ¢ 974.14
O. “ 977.119
W. Va. 975.412
arteries anatomy 611.1344
ball ‘amusements 796.31
barrows 631.3731
carts 631.3734
chiromancy 133.6
conveyers indus. man. 658.2811
cultivators 631.3161
dressing of ore min. eng.622.72
equipment laundry 648.15
feeding zootechny 636.08413
hoists indus. man. 658.2811
human anatomy 611.976
lamps dom. econ. 644.321
language def and dum 371.912
laundering 648.22
logging 634.98256
lymfatics anatomy 611.42176
muscles “ 611.7377
piano instruction 786.31
plow 631.3121
railing stair bilding 694.8
rollers 631.3141
turning lathes 621.04
Handbooks of travel 010
clas'n of workers 331.11350
labor 331.59
Handicraft mechan. trades 680
Handkerchief customs 391.6
toilet 646.48
Handling minerals mining 622.61
Hands, artificial surgery 617.57
Handspikes ordnance 623.4367
Handwriting 652
Handwritten records offis files 651. 522
Handzaeme World war 1918 940.4363
Hangars . aeronautics 629.144
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indes