Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Hellenic languages, minor 489 
Helmers, J. F. Dutch poet. 839.31152 
Helminthes Zool. 505.11 
Helminthology zoology 595.1 
Help, see Servants 
IHelpmakaar hist. 068.42 
Helps, Sir A. Eng. essays 824.84 
Helps for laboring classes ~ 331.85 
Helsingfors World war 1918 940.4375 
affected by soil 
boards of local gov't 
pub. helth 
crusades skool hygien 583.962 
for library servis 677.711 
laws hygiene 646.12 
lift therapeutics 620.197 
of students 631.5565 
workers econ. o , ’ 5 85 
offis ec. . 
public 636.59628 
resorts hygiene 977-341 
Helths 975.946 
drinking of customs 394.1 633.5771 
ethics 178.3 738 
Hematin physiology 612.11116 975.545 
Hematoidin “ 612.11116 942.023 
Hematology, see Blood 942.031 
Hematopoiesis physiology 612.119 941.52 
Hematopoietic : 942.034 
action of spleen 612.411 942.041 
function of liver 612.356 942.042 
Hematoxylin physiology  612.11116 942.043 
Hematuria “ 612. 4666¢C 942.051 
Hemeralopia “ 612.8456 942.052 
Hemiascomycetes botany 589.236 944.021 
Hemibasidiomycetes “ 589.224 944.028 
Hemin physiology 612.11116 944.029 
Hemiplegia paralysis 616.842 944.031 
Hemiptera insects 505.7% 943.022 
Hemlock 343.008 
botany 585.2 043 : 2 : 
forestry 634.9753 943 oz3 
therapeutics 615.786 : 
Hemming dom. econ. 646.21 ; on oo 
Hemmingsen, N. Dan. misc. 839.8183 Henry, O. Amer. humor 817.5 
a av: Baym, tm 
o : Ind. “ 977.264 
nutrition 612.3981452 Ia. « 977.795 
Hemoglobinuria physiol. 612.46669 Mo. « 977.846 
Hemolytic subst. “ 612.11145 0. . 977.115 
Hemophilin # 612.115323 Va. “ 975.569 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 
in labor obstetrics 
of the lungs diseases 
artery, middle anat. 
nervs, “ “ 
plexus “ 
Hemorrhoids diseases 
Hemostasia physiology 
Sec also distinguishing name 
cordage manuf. 
domestic economy 
engineering materials 
ten pigeons 
‘Henderson co. Ill. hist. 
‘Hendricks co. Ind. 
‘Hendry co. Fla. “ 
Henequen agave fibers 
Henri Deux ware pottery 
Henrico co. Va. hist. 
Henry 1 Eng. history 
- « 

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