Honeysuckle botany 583.51
Hong Kong, China hist. g¢5r.2
trav. 915.12
‘Hongro-ostiak languaj 494.513
Honigler grape 634.85439
Honolulu history 996.9
travels 919.69
business ethics
rollof U.S. civ. war
World war
system school gov't
student ethics
Hopscotch amusements 796.21
Horace Latin lyric poetry 874.5
satire 877.3
Hordeae grass crops 633.289
Horehound botany 583.891
Horizon, artificial 522.57
bars athlet. train’g 796. 44
cases museum econ. 069.312
marine engins 621.1224
steam ¢ 621.11242
Horn organic chemistry 547
wind instrument 788.4
Hornbeam botany 583.976
Hornbill birds 508.8
Hornd cattle agriculture 636.2
Norfolk sheep 636.3235
Horneck, O. von Ger. poet.831.31
and Peacock U.S. hist. 973.5257
Penguin “973. 33155
Hornless Spanish goat 636.396
Horns anatomy 611.788
drinking customs 394.1
gray spinal cord 611.822
Horntail entomol. 595.793
Hornwort botany 583.987
Horology astronomy 520.%
watchmaking 681.11
Horoscope astrology 133.5
artillery mil. engin'g
blankets manuf.
captor zootechny
cars railroad eng.
chestnut botany
cruelty to
diseases veterin. med.
domestic animals
pox diseases
racing amusements
ice sport
useful arts
degrees colleges 378.25
titles heraldry 920.7
military science 355.13
World war 1914-19 040.46
Hood, Robin legends 398.22
T: Eng. humor 827.72
Hoods, academic 378.29
domestic econ. 646.5%
Hooft, C. Dutch drama - 839.31232
Hooge, Belg. World war 1915 940.4241
Hooglede “ 1918 940.4363
Hoogvliet, Arn. Dutch poetry 839.31143
Hook bone anatomy 6r1.71778
Hooks, bill 631.3424
grass 631.3511
pruning 631.3422
reaping 631.3511 623.431
strength of engin’g 620.1128 677.6261
weed 631.3155 636.081113
Hookworm disease pathol. 616.965 625.6
pub.helth 614.55 583.281
Hoop amusements 796.21 179.3
Hooping cough diseases 616.204 631.3162
Hoops, gun ordnance 623.4233 619.1
strength of engin’g 620.1128 636.1
Hoopstad hist. 968.53 631.861
Hoopt guns ordnance 623.4216 631.3162
Hoosac tunnel engin'g 622.26 616.955
Hop tree 583.23. 798.4
Hope, Anthony Eng. fic. 823.91 175.7
'Hopetown history 968.748 796.97
‘Hopewell, Va. “ 975.5586 625.6
Hopken,A.J.von Swed.misc.839.7845 388.4
Hopkins grape 634.848109 656
Hopkinsianism Calvinism 284.2 rollers 631.3141
Hopkinson, Francis Am.sat.817.14 shoeing trade 682.1
Hops agriculture 633.89 zootechny 636.0834
botany 583.962 | shows amusements 791.3
brewing 663.3 trade zootechny 636.08113 -
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index