animals zoology 591.158
zootechny 636.082437?
plant breeding 631.523
plants botany 581.158
Hydatids of Morgagni 611.633 velocity
parasitic diseases 616.964 Hydropathy
Hyderabad, India history 954.9 Hydrophobia
Hydneae botany 589.222 diseases 616.953
Hydragogs cathartics 615.7324 protectiv inoculation 614.477
Hydrangea botany 583.38 public helth 614.563
Hydrations Hydrophyllaceee botany 583.764
in organisms 612.01536 Hydrostatics 532
mesology 612.014461: Hydrotherapy 615.8532
Hydraulic Hydrotimetry chem. anal. 543.3
brakes gun mounts 623.43563 Hydrous
elevators engineering 621.8774 silicates mineralogy 549.65
lib. bldgs 022.954 sulphates * 549.76
engin mech. engin’g 621.25 Hydrozoa zoology 503.7
physics 532.82 Hygiene
engineering 627 industrial economics 331.822
sanitary 628 mental 131
giant engineering 621.269 military 613.67
machinery 621.26 naval 613.68
mining engineering 622.32 of air and ground 614.7
motors “ 621.2 animals pub. helth 614.9
press “ 621.266 zootechny 636.0893
physics 532.82 occupation 613.6
pressing = printing 655.33 pregnancy obstetrics 618.24
ram engineering 621.27 travel and exploration 613.69
Hydraulics science 532 personal 613
Hydrazo bodies chem. 547.8 prison 613.57
Hydrocarbons chem. 547.2 public 614
mineral. 549.8 school education 371.97
Hydrocele diseases 616.68 vocal 784.93
Hydrocephalus 616.82 Hyginus, C. J. Latin poet. 871.3
Hydrocharideee botany 584.1x Hygrometry meteorology 551.5%
Hydrochloric acid physiol. 612.3233 Hygroscopic moisture agric. 631.432
Hydrodynamics Hylozoism metaphysics 146
physics 532.5 Hymen anatomy 611.672
water engins 621.2 Hymenogastereae botany 589.2216
Hydroelectric plants 621.312134 Hymenomycetes botany 589.222
Hydrogen Hymenoptera entomol. 5905.79
carburetted pub. helth 614.722 fossils 565.70
chemistry 546.11 pests 632.79
Hydrogeology 551.92 Hymn tunes music 783.9
Hydrografy surveying 526.99 Hymnody “ 783.9
Hydroide zoology 593.71 Hymnology sacred theol. 245
Hydrokinetics 532.5 Hymns Homeric 883.1
Hydrolatry 291.2122 hymnology 245
Hydrology 551.46 national music784.71
Hydrolytic ferments Hyoid bone anatomy 611.7165
physiologic chemistry ~~ 612.01512 muscles # 611.734
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior fizures refer to the tables at the end of this index