mathematical 510.8
musical 780
optic 535.87
ordnance 623.462
physical 530.8
steam power plant 621.1977
surgical 617.91
surveying 526.91
telefone communication 654.6
elec. engin’g 621.386
telegraf communication 654.1
elec. eng, 621.383
wireless telefone 621.3846
telegraf 621.3843
for other purposes see subject
Insula anatomy 611.81319
patriarchal faunas zoology 591.91
patronal economics floras botany 581.91
republican Greece history, ancient 939.1
sociology modern 949.9
[nstruction Insulated conductors eng. 621.31933
education wire manuf. 677.732
methods Insulating materials
museum bilding
organ electric engineering
piano steam transmission
public worship Insulators
rooms lib. bildings electric engineering 621.3194
Sunday skool lighting 621.3285
Instructions manuf. 677.511
legislativ restrictions [nsurance 368
Instructiv games animal zootechny 636.08175
Instructors museums bildings architecture 725.23
[nstrumental compulsory pol. econ. 331.25
composition music farm economics 631.175
ensemble 4 laboring classes econ. 331.25
errors prac. astron. offis econ. 651.385
music law 368
pub. worship library 022.27
reduction music museum 069.6455
Instrumentation music societies, cooperativ 334.3
[nstruments state control 351.825
astronomic teachers 371.17
chronologic timber forestry 634.92844
drawing msurgente, L; ship U.S. hist.973.45
engineering [nsurrections
engraving internal relations 323.2
geodetic field work Intaglios = sculpture 736
making Intarsia arch. decoration 729.63
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior fizures refer to the tables at the end of this index
Instinctiv knowledge 158
Institute of France 064
farmers 630.715
library training 020.715
Roman law 349.374
self education 374.9
teachers 370.72
workingmen’s architec. 725.93
of credit pol. economy
state control