Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Kaarta history 966.22 Kanawha 
Kabala Jewish philosofy 181.3 1 co. W. Va. history 975.437 
Kabardian sheep 636.385 1 valley, W. Va. « 075.43 
1Kabba history 966.96 : Little, W.Va. « 975.42 
1Kabinda history 967.31 Kane co. Ill. history 977.323 
Kabyle, Algerian languajes493.3 'Kanem history 967.46 
Kadarka grape 634.85439 Kangaroo zoology 599.2 
IK affraria, Africa history 968.6 ‘Kankakee co. Ill. history 977.363 
Kafir agriculture 633.177 Kankan history 966.55 
dialects 496.3 Kannada languaj 494.814 
Kafirs history 968.6 ‘Kano history 966.97 
Kafue history 968.955 Kansas, U. S. 
Kagu birds : 508.32 admission = U.S, hist. 973.68 
Kairin therapeutics 615.75 history } 978.1 
Kaiser ~~ German gov't  354.43033 a 
Kaka = birds 508.71 and Military history under 
Kalki 6 r 973.7 and 973.89 
a 34-45 struggle in ~~ U. S. hist. 973.66 
Kalahari desert hist. 968.19 travel 017.81 
Kalamazoo city,Mich. his. 977.418 : . ’ 
, ’ . ‘Kansas city, Kan. hist. 978.1391 
’ co. “ 977.417 . Mo. “ 977.8411 
Kalat Shergot Worldwar 1918 940.4383 Kansas-Nebraska bill « 973.66 
Kale . 635.346 Kant critical philosofy 142 
Kaleidoscope optics 535.86 German  * 193.2 
Kalendar 529 iKaoko-land history 968.87 
Kalendars Kapak card game 795. 41 
offis supplys 651.4668 Karakul sheep 636.385 
perpetual  offis fittings 651.4659 Karamojo history 967.615 
Kalifs comparativ relig. 291.61 Carananian sheep 636.385 
Mohammedanism- 297 Karbarovsh World war 1918 940.438% 
Kalisz, Pol. World war 1914 940.4223 Karbo domestic animals 636.293 
Kalkaska co. Mich. hist. 977.465 iKarélian languaj 494.542 
Kalmuck sheep } 636.385 Karene history 966. 44 
Kalmucks description 915 Waris « 968.857 
history 950 Tarlsefne,T. discov. of Am.g73.13 
~ languaj 494.22 Karlsruhe World war 1915 940.445 
Kalsomining 698.2 Karnak history 962.33 
Katoig World war 1917 940.4325 Karoub fruit culture 634.462 
IKama’s country hist. 068.14 Karpathian 
‘Kamassin langua) 494-472 mts World war 1915 940.4253 
Kamba history 967.37 swine 636.432 
Kamchatka history 057 Karput, Asia Turk. hist. 956.6 
Kamerun, Africa Kars, Rus. - World war 1914 940.4226 
history 967.11 1918 940.4374 
World war 1914 940.4237 'Kartum, Egypt history 962.6 
2 940.4298 travel 916.26 
t North We. 966.98 Karungu World war 1914 940.4236 
t South 966.94 Kasai history 967.52 
Kames, H: H. Eng. essays 824.62 ‘Kasempa “ 968.956 
Kamionka World war 1915 940.4252 Kashan, Per. World war 1915 940.4264 
'Kamouraska co. Que. hist. 971.475 ‘Kashmir, India history 954.6 
Kamptulicon manuf. 677.687 goat 636.39854 
Kanarese languaj 494.814 'Kasongo history 967.56 
Tepics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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