Lakenfeld cattle 636.2354
Lakenvelder cattle 636.2354
fowls 636.532
1anark, Scotland
t co. Ont.
Lancashire, Eng.
Lakes sheep
artificial landsc. garden. 714 swine
boundaries pol. sci. 320.1286 Lancaster
physical geografy © 551.48 and York Eng. hist,
water supply 628.11 Irish «
Lalli, G. Italian satire 857.53 ! co. Pa. history
Lamaism 204.32 Va. “
Lamartine, A. M. L! de P. de 841.74 system education
Zamb, Charles Eng. essays824.75 Lancelet fishes
Lambertypes 773 Lancers
Lambeth, London hist. 042. 16 dancing
Lambs lettuce 635.57 ‘quadril music teknic
Lambton co. Ont. history 971.327 Lances side arms
Lamellae, bony histology 611.01843 Land
Lamellibranchiata zoology 594.1 birds hunting 799.242
Lamellicornia ~~ entomol. 595.764 bombing by airships W. war 940. 441
Lamellirostral swimmers birds 598. 41 claims finance 336.13
La Mennais, H. F. R. de drainage engin’g 627.5
French essays 844.71 farm economics 631.1
philosofy 194.6 grants finance 336.14
Lamentations Bible 224.3 to public schools 379.123
Lamiales botany 583.87 law 347.2
Lammermuir sheep 636.3252 laws polit. economy 333
Lammerschwanz grape 634.85439 markers 631.3314
La Motte, A. H.de Fr.dram. 842.51 nationalization of 333.3
Fouqué, F; H;C; 833.65 operations ~~ World war 040.41—.43
{Lamoute languaj 494.12 political economy 333
Lamp privilege for poor 362.57
black air pollution 614.747 public polit. economy 333.1
holes sewerage 628.253 settlement guides 631.11
posts vent. of sewers 628.232 slides geology 551.3
shells zoology 594.8 soil 631.4
See also Lamps state domain 336.1
Lampas ’ surveying forestry 634.9322
cotton manuf. 677.21646 science 526.9
silk “ 677.41646 tenure law 347.2
spec. fabrics “ 677.61622 titles, insurance of 368.81
SLampoons English satire 827 travel protec. of life 614.861
Lampreys fishes 507.2 under water drainage 631.616
Lamps value ind. manage. 658.2112
arc elec, lighting Landaise sheep 636.3463
bracket lib. bildings Landed
chemic technology credit finance 332.72
filament elec. lighting gentry English heraldry ¢29.7205
incandescent vapor industry state control 351.823
library bildings iT andes, France history 944.772
museums Landing
See also Lamp apparatus aviation 629.187
Lamu history 967.67 artillery mil. eng. 623.414
Lamut languaj 494.12 places aeronautics 629.144
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior fizures refer to the tables at the end of this index