Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

political science 323 
water pol. econ. 333.9 
dirigibles aeronautics 629.155 
suspension bridges 624.53 
Rigor mortis physiology 612.742 
of muscles physiol. 612.7461 
Riley, J. W. Amer. humor 817.49 
Riley co. Kan. hist. 978.128 
Rilly grape 634.8544 
Rima glottidis  anat. 611.225 
SRimes English prosody 426.6 
8Riming dictionaries, Eng. 426.6 
Rimouski co. Que. history 971.477 
Rinderpest veterin. med. 619.2 
boxing 796.83 
games children 796.13 
hockey game 796.355 
shell ordnance 623.4515 
toss game 796.24 
campain U. S. civ. war 973.7359 
1 co. Ia. history 977.787 
Ringing agriculture 031.54224 
athletic sports 796.46 
boiler steam engin’g 621.18453 
finger costume 391.7 
sacred ornaments 247.6 
offis fittings 651.4652 
strength of materials 620.11286 
Ringwaldt, B. Ger. poetry 831.45 
Ringworm diseases 616.57 
amusements 791.7 
bicycle architecture 725.86 
ethics 175.1 
skating architecture 725.86 
Rinuccini, O. Ital. dram. 852.52 
‘Rio de Oro hist. 964.8 
travel 916.48 
Rio Grande campain 973.6234 
'Rio Janeiro history 081 
travels 918.1 
Rio Muni hist. 967.18 
Rioja, F.de Spanish poetry 861.38 
Rios, J. A. de los “ misc. 868.52 
internal relations pol. sci. 323.2 
law 343 
local, see name of place 
state control 351.752 
Topics in black face tvpe are subdivided. Superior fizures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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