Saluste du Bartas, G. de
French poetry 841.37
Salvadoracez botany 583.716
cuttings silviculture 634.9536
indus. manage. 658.5671
maritime law 347.7
Salvation doctr. theology 234
army ass'ns 267.15
World war 940.4772
Salviati, L. Ital. essays 854.45
Salzburg, Austria hist. 943.63
Samaniego, F. M. de 861.44
‘Samaritan language 492.5
Samaritans sects 296
Samarium inorg. chem. 546.692
Sambre World war 1918 940.4366
Samfire agriculture 635.74
Samnite wars Roman hist. 937.03
Samnium ancient “ 0937.7
ISamoa, Polynesia 4 996.1
Samos ancient “ 939.14
! modern “ 949.94
‘Samoyed-ostiak languaj 494.421
' Yeniseian “ 494.413
Samoyedic languajes 494.4
Samphire 635.74
Sampleroom sales methods 658.845
printed matter offis econ. 651.65
Samsde, O. J. Dan. drama 839.81253
Samuel Old Testament 222.4
Samydaceze botany 583.451
San Antonio, battle 973.6238
t Benito co. Cal. hist..979.475
Bernardino co. “ “ 979.495
Clemente il. “ “ 979.493
Diego city “ “ 979.498
co. “ 4 979.498
Domingo, annex. treaty
U. S. history 973.82
apricot 634.654
history 972.93
Francisco city Cal. “ 979.461
co. “ “ 979.461
Giovanni de Medua
World war 1916 940.4288
Joaquin co. Cal. hist. 979.455
José city © “979.474
scale pests 632.752
Juan boundary U. S. hist. 973.82
family botany 583.145
Luis Obispo co. Cal. hist. 979.478
Potosi, Mex. * 972.4
Mateoco. Cal. “ 979.469
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of thisindex
1San Miguel il. Cal. hist’ 979.491
t Nicholasil. “% “ 979.492
Remo conf. W. w. results 940. 31412
river World war 1915 940.4253
Salvador history 972.84
Sancho 4 Span. miscel. 868.12
Sanctification doctr.theol. 234.8
Sanctifying grace doct. theol. 234.12
Sanctis, F. de Ital. essays 854.81
Sanctuary legal antiq. 340.3
Sanctus sacred music 783.22
Sand, George Fr. fiction 843.82
baths prac. chemistry 542.45
blasts pneumatic mach. 621.549
cherry 634.24
filtration water supply 628.16
flea zool. 595.371
foundation architec. 721.11
games children 796.12
grape 634.8436
petrology lithology 552.51
piles architecture 721.141
piper birds 598.33
storms 551.51
Sandals costume 391.4
Sandalwood botany 583.943
field crops 633.814
Sandbugs zoology 505.36
Sandburg, Carl Amer. poet. 811.5
Sandemanianism sects 289.9
Sander, K.L. Dan. drama 839.81256
Sands econ. geology 553.62
Sandstone “ “ 553.53
lithology 552.51
old red 551.74
ISandusky city, O. hist. 977.1221
k co. “ 977.1214
ISandwich ilands history 996.9
Sandwiches cookery 641.84
Sandys, George Am. poet. 811.11
Sanford grape 634.846709
‘Sangamon co. Ill. history 977.356
Sangerbund music festival 784.5
Sangreal legends 398.22
Sanguification physiology 612.119
Sanhedrin Judaism 296
Sanilac, Mich. history 977-443
Sanitariums helth resorts 613.12
institutions 362.13
affairs public helth 614
World war 940.4753
appliances hygiene 613.08
pub. helth 614.08