Telferage mech. engin’g 621.867 | Tempering
Telfers “ “ 621.868 manufactures 671
‘Telinga languaj 494.813 molecular physics 539.54
Tellez, Gabriel Sp. drama 862. 33 Templars 366
Tellurates mineralogy 549. 77 knights 929.712
Tellurids “ 549.3 Temples architecture 726.1
Tellurium chemistry 546.241 compar. religion 291. 35
Telpherage mech. engin’g 621.867 silk manuf, 677.41542
Telphers “ “ 621.868 student soc. 371.86
‘Telugu languaj 494.813 Temporal
'Tembuland hist. 068.65 artery, superficial anat. 611.1 3327
'Temiscouata co. Que. hist. 971 .476 bone anatomy 611.7153
Temper ethics 179.8 lobe “ 611.81313
Temperament muscle “ 611.73272
music instruments 781.91 power papacy 262.13
piano 786.23 relig. history 270.4
Temperaments 137 Temporary halls architec. 725.92
Temperance records offis econ. 651.57
ethics Temporomandibular joint 611. 724
hygiene Temporomaxillary joint 611.724
in laboring classes Temporosphenoid lobe 611.81313
legislation Temptation doct. theology 2 33.2
reformatories of Christ Christol. 232.952
songs Temptations of laboring
Temperate classes 331.84
regions agric. 631.0912 Tenants law 347.2
zone plants floriculture 635.9523 Ten-armd cephalopod zoo. 594.58
Temperature Tendency legisla. pol. sci. 328.24
animal heat 612.5 Tender, legal paper money 332.5
conditions of life - 577.4 Tenders, locomotiv 621.136
elevated hygiene 613.64 Tendons anatomy 611.74
forest botany 634.94723 diseases of 616.75
hygiene 613.18 physiology 612.7588
in diseases diagnosis 616. 075 sheaths of anatomy 611.75
physiol. 612.556 diseases of 616.76
influence on respiration 612.22 5 Tenements
low agriculture 632.11 architecture
mesurement physics 536.5 domestic economy
physiol. 612.51 hygiene
nitrogen excretion 612.461235 laboring classes
of air meteorology 551.52 'Tenerif history
body physiology 612.56 Teneriffe description
earth geology 551.12 Ten-hour day
liver physiology 612.355 Tenia anatomy
soil agriculture 631.436 Tennessee, U. S.
urin physiology 612.46113 admission U.S. history go 3.43
pathology 616.075 history 976.8
physiologic chem, 612.01535% For military history, see sub-
g divisions of Special campains
physiology 612.5 and Military plstory under
i 973.52, 973.7 and 973.89
I be oo” | secession U.S. history 973.713
variable hygiene 613.64 travel
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index