Tennis, lawn 796.34
parlor 7094.7
Tennyson, A. Eng. poetry 821.81
Tenotomy surgery 617.47
"Tense signs Eng. etymol. 422.8
Tenses Eng. syntax 425.8
Tension engineering 620.1124
fasciae latae anat. 611.73815
vaginae femoris “ 611.7381%
Tent caterpillars entomol. 595.787
pests 632.787
life hygiene 613.67
making mech. trade 685 531
Tenth nerv anatomy 611.83101
physiology 612.8199?
Tenting outdoor sports 796.54
Tentorium cerebelli anat, 611.8195
military science 355.81
prehistoric dwellings 571.86
Tenure of
land law
polit. economy
civil servis
library economy
museum ©
anatomy 611.012
animals 501.2
monstrosities 591.159
natural history of man 573.9
plants 581.22
surgery 5 617.3
Terbium inorganic chem. 546.653
Terebranchia entomol. 595.791
Terence Latin drama 872.5
Teres major anatomy 611.73715
minor “ 611.73714
Teresa de Jesus Span. misc. 868.33
Tergnier ~~ World war 1918 040.4341 274.2
Terina % 1916 940.4285 542.231
Terkelsen, S. Dan. poet. 839.81137 594
Termes World war 1918 940.4364 225
Terminal cone of spinal cord 611.8216 221
Terminals, voltaic eng. 621.3526 229.94
Termination of labor econ. 331.13 229.91
Terminations, nerv histol. 611.01886 of Abraham 229.914
Terminology anatomy 611.0114 Job “ 229.914
economics 330.14 12 patriarchs 229.914
metaphysics 112 | Testamentary law 347.6
music 781.23 Tester, milk 637.1276
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this inde