Waller, E. Eng. poetry 821.44
Wallikiki fowls - 636.5882
Wallin, J. O. Swed. poet. 839.7162
architectural construc. 721.2
design 729.31
incrusted arch. decora. 929.61
mosaic “ “ 720.72
museum exterior 069.232
interior 069.235
painted arch. decora. 729.49
schoolroom education 371.634
stone agriculture 631.27
Walnut botany 583.973
nut raising 634.51
IWalo history 966.31
Walpole, Horace Eng. letters 826.61
Hugh “ fiction 823.91
Walruses zoology 599.7
Walter grape 634.84909
Walther von der Vogelweide 831.27
"Walton co. Fla hist. 975.997
Waltz ~~ music composition 781.508521
piano music 786.46
Waltzing amusements 793.33
ethics 175.3
"Walundi history 968.961
Walvis Bay “ 968.852
‘Walworth co. Wis. hist. 977.589
Wancourt World war 1918 940.4355
Wandering Jew legends 398.22
Wands athletics 796.41
hygiene 613.71
‘Wandsworth, London hist. 942.16
'Wankie: history 968.928
'Wapello co. Ia. history 977.793
captures law
cause of “
civii U. 8. history
customs of
department, U. S.
French and Indian
law of
Mexican TU. S. history
ministries of architec.
of 1812 Can. hist.
U. S. history
roses Eng. history
revolutionary U.S. «
rockets mil. engin'g
Topics in black face type are ~u™“ivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indes