“ --
|] £2 2
Willowing wool | Window
‘Willowmore history gardens
‘Willowvale * tax pol. econ.
Wills genealogy Windows
law arch, construction 721.8
Wilmington, Del. history design 729.38
red grape dormer arch. construc. 721.55
Wilmot proviso library bildings 022.71
causes U. S. civil war 973.7113 museums 069.236
slavery 326.973 staind glass arch. decor. 729.8
U. S. history 973.61 Windrowers 631.3532
Wilson, W. presidency 973-913 Winds meteorology 551.51
‘Wilson co. Kan. history 978.1925 "Windsor city, Ont. hist. 971.332
tariff act U.S. hist. 973.87 ! co. Vt. % 974.36
Wilson's raid U.S.civ.war 973.7387 swine 636.4221
Wilts, England history 942.31 "Windward ilands history 972.98
Wiltshire sheep 636.3232 Wine adulterations 614.343
'Winburg history 968.56 at table temper. 178.3
Winchell grape 634.84709 domestic economy 641.13
Winches mech. engin’g 621.864 manufacture 663.2
Winchester, Va. temperance 178
battle U.S. civil war Wineberry 634.715
history Wing frames lib. fittings 022.932
Wind Wingd fruit tree botany 583.167
agriculture 632.16 } shells zoology 594-4
and current charts 551.46 Wings
currents aeronautics 629.143 aeronautics 629.181
forest botany 634.94726 animal locomotion 591.47
instruments music 788 aids fishery 639.4
mills air engins 621.458 “Winneags co. Ill. hist. 977.331
drainage 631.65 Ia. “977.723
farm power 631.3714 — } Wis. } “977.564
pressure bridgebilding 624.175 Winneshiek co. la. hist. 977.732
protection of animals 636.08366 Winnetka, plan educ. meth. 371.394
worship 201.2125 Ww. innibago fowls 636.5816
Windage steam turbins 621.16515 Winnowers 631.3622
Windau World war 1915 940.4254 Winnowing 631.5623
Winders textil manuf. 677.028541 Winter, W: Amer. poetry 811.44
For kind used with special Winter :
fiber see name of fiber Lourses agri.
Windham co. vy histony 974.64 TE
_ } t. 974-39 flowering floriculture
indhoek history 968.854 grape vitis berlandieri
oo Wid war 1915 940.4268 riparia
Windic anguales 45 i : mado
iteratures oI. 7
Windlasses mech, engin’g 621.864 Darts hygiene
Window savory
dressing 659.1 sports
furnishings dom. econ. 645.3 squash
ofis “ 651.243 Winterberry botany
635. 564
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index