Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Witnesses evidence 347.94 
Witwatersrand hist. 968.22 
Wives’ duties family eth. 173.3 
Wize men Christology 232.923 
Wiloclawek World war 1914 940.4224 
"Wodehouse history 968.774 
Woevre hights W. war 1918 940.4366 
Wolcott, J: Eng. satire 827.635 
"Wolfe co. Que. history 971.457 
Wolff, C. German philosofy 193.9 
E. B. Dutch fiction 839. 31347 
Wolffian body anatomy 611.619 
Wirelns Wolfram inorgan. chem. £546.%8 
communication, see Radio v. Eschenbach Ger. poet. 831.24 
telefony communication 654.6 'Wolmaransstad history 968.29 
‘engineering 621.3845 ‘Wolo Ntem history 067.13 
telegrafy communication 654.1 Woman 
engineering 621.3842 customs 
Wires education 
plant support 631.3451 position and treatment 
telegraf communicat'n 654.4 suffrage 
engineering  621.31932 amendm't U.S. hist. 
Wirewound guns ordn. 623.42164 polit. parties 
Wiring woman's position 
central station engin’g 621.317 Woman's 
electric transmission 621.319 auxiliary museum econ. 069.634 
house elec. lighting 621.3282 exchange sociology 396.56 
Wirsung’s canal anat. 611.373 relief corps 369.161 
wink, W: Amer. oratory 815.23 rights woman's position 396.2 
Wirt co. W. Va. history 975.426 lief union 60.162 
Wisconsin, U. S. valiran relic 309. 
admission TU. S. hist. 973.61 Womb anatomy 612.08 
history 977.5 Women 
For military history, see sub- as librarians 
divisions of Special campains library trustees 
and Military history under 
973.7 and 973.89 teachers 
Wisdom Apocrypha 229.3 costume of 
divine doc. theol.231.6 diseases of 
‘Wise co. Va. hist. 975.5754 duties of family ethics 
men Christology 232.923 social « 
Wiselius, S: I. Dut. dram. 839.3125: labor of economics 
Wister, Owen ~~ Am. fict. 813.5 lives of collections 
5Wit English humor 827 Nr 
Witch hazel botany 583.394 Women's 
Witcheraft occult sciences 133.4 Top ee 
U.S. Hisiy 973.25 Christian associations 
Witches persecutions 272.8 clothes domes. econ. 
Witch's broom botany 589.237 . manuf. 
Withdrawal book lib. econ. 025.249 domestic economy clubs 
Wither, G: Eng. satire 827.41 hats domes. econ. 
Witmer manuf, 
cilinder test psychology 151.2 religious societies 
form board test ¢ 151.2 rights 
Tooics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 

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