Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Yorkshire coach horse 
swine, large 
reading of 028.5 
women, advice to 
social ethics 177% 
labor of 331.44 
Women’s Christian ass’n 267.5 
Youngstown, O. history 977.1301 
Ypres World war 1914 940. 4213 
I9I5 040.4241 
I9I6 40. 4271 
1917 940.4313 
1918 040.4342 
Ypres-Menin rd. W. war 1917 940.4313 
Yriarte, T.de Span. poetry 861.45 
Yser river World war 1914 940. 4213 
Ytterbium inorg. chem. 546.652 
Yttrium “ “ 54€.61 
Yuba co. Cal. history 979.435 
Yucatan, Mex. architec. 722.9 
! history 972.6 
travels 917.26 
Yucca cordage manuf. 677.717 
Yukaduma history 967.14 
‘Yukon, Can. “ 971.21 
Yurak languaj 494.411 
Y. W.C. A. religion 267.5 
World war 940.4774 
Yorktown, Va. 
siege Amer. revol. 
U. S. civil war 
Yoruba hist. 
Yosemite, Cal. descrip. 
1 history 
Young, E: Eng. poetry 
animals, propor'n zoot. 636.08235 
care 4  636.08337 
feeding “ 636.0841 
childstudy 136.7 
counsels to ethics 173.6 
education of elem. educ. 372 
men, advice to 
business ethics 174 
Men’s Christian ass’n 267.3 
men’s Christian unions 267.233 
Hebrew ass'n W. war 940.4776 
people’s religious societies 267.6 
societies sociology 369.4 
soc. of Chr. endevor 267.613 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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