Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

523.3 Political economy, biografy 373. Seminaries, private 
330.9 “ “ history 923.5 Servis, civil, biografy 
320.9 “ parties (except U. S.) 286.3 Seventh day baptist 
923.2 % science, biografy 922.6 ¥ “ “  biografy 
320.9 “ 4 history of 289.8 Shakers 
923.2 Politicians’ lives 922.88 “  biografy 
312, Population, statistics of 653.09 Shorthand, history 
373. Preparatory schools 326.9 Slavery, “ 
285.1 Presbyterian church in America 367.9 Social clubs 
285.2 # « « Gt Britain 335.9 Socialist communities 
922.5 “  biografy 267.2 Societies, religious, of men 
923.1 Presidents’ lives 366.9 “ secret 
655.1 Printing, history of 027.2 Society libraries 
365.9  ’risons 923.5 Soldiers’ lives 
027.1 Private libraries 379. State education 
373 “schools 027.5 “ libraries 
027.2 Proprietary libraries 923.2 Statesmen’s lives 
283. Protestant episcopal church 31 Statistics 
922.3 “ « “ biog. 312. “ of population 
922.4 Protestants, continental, lives 027.3 Subscription libraries 
614.09 ublic helth 324. Suffrage 
027.4 Public libraries 289.4 Swedenborgians 
379. “ school system 922.84 “ biografy 
01s. Publishers’ lists 284.7 Swedish church 
655.4 >ublishing, history of 922.4 « 4  biografy 
289.6 Quakers 724.7 Swiss architecture 
922.86 “ lives } 923.7 Teachers’ lives 
724.5  Jueen Anne architecture 607. Technical schools 
923.1 Jueens’ Pres . 207. Theologic schools 
323.1 Rice, internal relations ovr ‘Timer sedhltevine 
572.9 of men 2 027.4 Town libraries, public 
923.8 Railroad officials’ lives : SD 
027.4 Rate supported libraries 9t Travel, description 
027.9 Reading rooms, free 508. } scientific 
364.0 eformatory institutions 341.2 Treaties, texts and history 
284.1  Reformd church 724.4 Tudor architecture 
285.7 “ (Dutch) church in Amer. 288. Unitarian church 
922.4 “ “ “  biografy 922.81 “ “  biografy 
327. Relations, foren 289.1 Universalist church 
27 Religious history 922.81 « “  biografy 
724.1 Renaissance architecture 378. Universities, history, reports, etc. 
282. Roman catholic church 027.7 University libraries 
922.2 ‘ ‘ . “  biografy 724.4 Victorian Gothic architecture 
724.8 ~~ Romanesque revival, architecture yr gal Vorationsl training 
923.1 Rulers, chief, lives Veil 
628.09 Sanitary engineering, history, etc. 324 oung 
ss 331.29 Wages 
284.7 Scandinavian church . 
922.4 « ¢  biografy 922.4 Waldenses biografy 
027.8 School libraries 553.70 Waters, mineral 
923.7 “  offisers’ biografy 940.4779 Welfare wk, Wid war, by cuntry 
370.73 Schools, normal 940.4778 © © in * 
374.4 “ correspondence 376.9 Woman's education oo 
373. “ private 267.432 Women's Christian associations 
379. “ public, system 267.39 Y.M.C. A. 
508. Scientific travels 267.59 Y.W.C. A. 
266.9 Secret societies 591.9 Zoology, geografic 

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