Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

491.86 Bohemian 
491.68  3reton, Bas 
491.81 3ulgarian 
494.23  3uriat 
495.8 Burmese 
449.9 Catalan 
492.2 Chaldee 
494.521 Theremissian 
495.1 “hinese 
494.543 “hudic 
493.2 “optic 
491.67 Cornish 
491.83  “roatian 
491.65  Cymric group 
491.66 "or Welsh 
491.86  “zech, Bohemian 
439.81 Danish 
493.55 . Dankali 
439.4 deutsch, Platt 
494.322 Djagataic 
439.31  Jutch 
499.227 yak 
493.1 igyptian, Old 
491.48 Iu 
42 inglish 
427.01 “oud 
491.61  Erse, Gadhelic group 
491.63 “Gaelic 
194.545 Zsthonian 
477.5 Etruscan 
439.6 Faroese 
494.541 ‘tinnish 
439.32  temish 
499.212 Formosan 
44 french 
447.01 “oud 
439.2 Frisian 
491.61 Gadhelic group 
491.63 Gaelic or Scotch 
469.9 Galician 
493.52 Galla 
499.9621 Georgian 
43 German 
439.4 “ Low, Plattdeutsch 
139.1 “ % Western Germanic 
437.02 ¢ Middle High 
437.01 “ 01d High 
494.823 Gond 
439.9 Gothic 
48 Greek 
489. “ Modern 
491.47 Gujerati 
492.4 Hebrew 
491.1 Hindu languaies 
494.513 Hongro-ostiak 
494.511 Hungarian 
491.531 Huzwaresh 
439.6 Icelandic 
491.1 [ndic group 
191.3 “ Middle 
491.2 “01d 
191.62 Trish 
45 [talian 
194.322 Jagataic 
495.6 Japanese 
499.222 Javanese 
492.4 Jewish 
494.22 Kalmuk 
494.422 <Kamassin 
494.814 <Xanarese 
494.814 Kannada 
494.542 Karélian 
494.824 Khond 
494.34 Kirghiz 
194.816 Kodagu 
195.2 Konanhoa 
195.7 Korean 
494.821 Kbta 
494.824 Kou 
494.54 Krévin 
491.83  Xroatian 
491.57 Kurdish 
459.9 Ladin 
494.12 Lamut 
494.55 Lapp 
47 Latin 
499.962 Lazistan 
491.93 Lettish 
491.92 Lithuanian 
494.546 Livonian 
439.31 Low Dutch 
439.4 “ German. 
439.1 « « 
Western Ger- 
manic languajes 
491.88 Lusatian 
499.224 Maduran 
494.511 Magyar 
499.214 Malagasy 
499.221 Malay 
494.812 Malayalam 
494.13 Manchu 
491.64 Manx 
491.46 Marathi 
437.02 Middle High German 
491.3 “ Indic 
499.9623 Mingrelian 
489. Modern Greek 
491.55 “ Persian

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