Bakies, Scotch
powder adulterations
chem. tech.
1Bakonde history
Bakonyer swine
tBakota history
Baku World war 1918
Bakuba ~~ World war 1917
Bakunyi history -
1Bakwakwa history Ballads
IBakwe history Danish poetry
1Bakwena tribe history English literature
Balaenoid whale zoology song books
Balance Swedish poetry
bridge engineering vocal music
frame cultivator Ballast railway engin'g
machines transportation
metrology Ballers
of power polit. science Ballet amusements
trade commerce ethics
spring watchmaking Ballie callie game
wheels % Ballistics
Balanced courses educ. exterior mil. engin’g
plow interior « “
Balancers elec. eng. Balloon
Balances sonde aeronautics
chemic toy amusements
offis fittings manufacture
Balancing Ballooning aeronautics
apparatus aviation 629.186 military
athletics 796.43 physics
ballooning aeronautics 629.166 Ballot suffrage
machinery shipbilding 623.87 Balloting
running gear railrd. eng. 625.21 legislativ procedure
Balanophore botany 583.947 see also distinctiv name
Balanopsees “ 583.961 Ballots
Balbo, Cesare Ttal. essays 854.74 count of suffrage 324.261
Balbda discov. of Amer. 973.16 miscount of “ 324.275
Balconies, sleeping : Ballroom furnishings 645.69
furnishing dom. econ. 645.67 Ball's Bluff, Va. U.S. hist. 973.7318
location “ 643.57 Balls
Balcony furnishings 645.8 dancing
Baldi, Bernardino It. poet 851.47 domestic economy
Baldness dermatology 616.54 ethics
Bale, J: English drama ~~ 822.23 programs
Balearic ilands history 046.7 projectiles ordnance
Balers 631.3642 small arms
Bali languaj 499.223 Balm botany
Baling 631.5642 Balms field crop
Balint grape 634.85439 Balsam fig botany
Tonics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index