Full text: Über Indicatoren und deren Verwendung bei Prüfung von Dampfmaschinen und Arbeitsmaschinen

Tabelle Il. 
Reduction des Metermaasses auf englisches Maas. 
I. Allgemeine Vergleichungs-Tabelle. 
| 1 | 
Meter, || | | 
u m: Fuss, Zoll. | Blrkuss; Eizelle eb a 
Cubik- | | Fuss, | Zoll, 
Meter. | | | | 
| | | ; 
I 3,2309 39,3706 | 10,7642 1550,05 | 35.370170, 61026,2 
2 6,5618 78,7412 | 21,5284 3100,09 | 70,6322 122052,4 
3 9,8427 118,218 | 32,2926 4650,13 | 105,9483 183078,6 
4 13,1235 157,4824 | 43,0568 | 6200,18 | 141,2644 244104,9 
5 16,4044 196,85 30 | 53,8210 | 7750,23 | 176,5805 305131,1 
6 19,6853 | 236,2237 | 64,5852 | 9300,27 |, 211,8966 | 366137,3 
7 22,9662 | 2755943 | 75.3494 | 10850,31 | 247,2126 427183,5 
8 26,2471 314,9649 | 86,1136 | 12400,36 | 282,5287 488209,7 
9 29,5280 354,3355 || 96,8778 | 13950,40 | 317,8448 | 549235,9 
| | | 
2. Englische Zolie = Meter. 
Zoll, o I 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 8 9 
7 _— I _ a mn m T — _ _ I s 
50 | 1,2700. | 1,2954 1,3208, 1,3402 | 1.3716 | 1.3970, 1.4224. 14478 | 14732 | 
60 | 1,5240 .| 1,5494 | 1,6002 | 1,6256 | 1,6510 | 1,6764 1,7018 |:1,7272 | 1,7526 
70 | 1,7780 | 1,8034 | 1,8288 | 1,8542 | 1,8796 | 1,9050 | 1,9304 | 1,9558 | 1,9812 | 2,0066 
80 | 2,0320 | 2,0574 | 2,0828 | 2,1082 | 2,1336 | 2,1590 | 2,1844 | 2,2098 | 2,2352 | 2,2606 
90 | 2,2860 | 2,3114 | 2,3368 | 2,3622 | 2,3876 | 2,4130 | 2,4384 | 2,4638 | 2,4892 | 2,5146 
100 | 2,5400 | 2,5654 | 2,5908 | 2,6162 | 2,6416 | 2,6670 | 2,6924 | 2,7178 | 2,7432 | 2,7685 
110 | 2.7939 2,8193 | 2,8447 | 2,8701 | 2,8955 | 2,9209 | 2,9463 | 2,9717 | 2,9971 | 3,0225 
120 | 3,0479 | 3,0733 | 3,0987 | 3,1241 | 3,1495.| 3,1749 | 3,2003 | 3,2257 | 3,2511 | 3,2765 
130 | 3,3019’ | 3,3273 ı 313527. | 3,3781 | 3,4035 | 3,4289 | 3,4543 | 3,4797 | 3,5051 | 3,5305 
140 | 3,5559 | 3,5813 | 3,6067 | 3,6321 | 3,6575 | 3,6829 | 3,7083 | 3,7337 | 3,7591 | 3,7845 
150 | 3,8099 | 3,8353 | 3,8607 | 3,8861 | 3,9115 | 3,9369 | 3,9623 | 3,9877 | 40131 | 40385 
160 | 4,0639 | 4,0893 | 4,1147 4,1401 | 4,1655 | 4,1909 | 4,2163 | 4,2417 | 4,2671 | 4,2925 
170 | 4,3179 | 4,3433 | 4,3687 | 43941 | 4,4195 | 4,4449 | 4,4703 | 4,4957 | 4,5211 | 4,5465 
180 | 4,5719 | 4,5973 | 4,6227 | 4,6481 | 4,6735 | 4,6989 | 4,7243 | 4,7497 | 47751 | 4,8005 
190 | 4,8259 | 4,8513 | 4,8767 | 4,9021 | 4,9275 | 4,9529 | 4,9783 | 5,0037 | 5,0291 | 5,0545 
— 108 — 

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