Full text: Kamine

DP. Decker inv. deln et 
omino Theodoro Comu fPa- 
Cliviæ et AMontum Duct, Principe 
Al arckhiæ et Ravenpagæ- Dino in 
&o clemen t/m o dat. dicat, dedicat 
Nubyectifunus Cherur | 
PaulutDecker Árchitecus 
eSerenu/s imo Principi ac Domi cd 
latino AJ herz, Bavariæ, Suliactiy, 
Mocrsræ, Comite UL J24dena acc dpanhemt. 
PRavenfſten Prencipc ac Domano 
Cum Gratia e ELriyv.S. C- M. orem. Wolf exc. Aug ^) 

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