Full text: Leder (Heft 21)

Max Hirfch. 
Import amerikanifcher Rauhwaaren in London 
im Jahre 1870. 
En a0, 
| 3 5. | = Ö | Totale 
Bären 8.214 4.010 12.224 
Bifam 288.344 |3,400.250 |3,6088.594 
Biber 122.985 62.598 185.583 
Dachfe . 2.107 4.358 0.525 | 
Füchfe, rothe 13.022 306.744 49.766, 
"SesKreuz 3.305 ‚3.321 6.626 
. Silber 867 1.412 2.2709 
ne blau.. 47 2.272 2.219 
».. Weifs 4.602 3.456 8.058 
Ritt 4.949) 7.891 12.840 
nr Gnis > 26.368 26.368 
Itiffe virgin. 7.941 4.015 11.956 
Luchfe 87.407 11.451 48.858 
| Luchskatzen . = 8.538 | 8.538 
Nerze 27.586 33.944| 61.530 
Opoffum ir 144.170 | 144.170 
Öttern . 10.965 7.197 | 18.102 
See-Ottern 72 2.431 | 2.503 
Schuppen . 1.678 | 440.150 | 441.828 
Seehunde . 6084| 94.790 95.474 
Skunks . 6.902| 107.198 | 114.100 
Vielfrafse . ; 1.418 | z 1.448 
Wölfe \ | 5.834\ 4.646) 10.480 
Zobel i | os 32.317 | 83.740 
Chinchillas ; | = 104.100 | 104.100 
Werth Gefammt- 
pr. Stück werth 
| ö. W. | öfterr. Währ. 
16 ı50| 291.690 > 
— [40 1,475.437 |60 
5 |25| 974.310 |75 
— [40 2.610 | — 
| — | 199.064! — | 
2 20380. 034 |: 
| 65 = 148.135 | — 
13 1850 |,,.80.956 50 
4 | 
| 120 Ba _- 
| Ein 26.368 | — 
| 1 0, ziel 
0 = 140.57 ee 
| D 8.538 | — 
4 |50| 276.885 | — 
De | 25 36.042) 50 
15 | 272.430, =. 
| 85 I — 212.755 ke 
| Il— 441.828 | — 
16 is 1,527.384| — 
| | 228.200 — 
| bi 
| 4 |50| 47.160 en 
| 14 |— | 1172.360 — 
I _ 130.125 u 
| | 
| | 
isn ee 

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