Full text: Life of Thomas Telford, Civil engineer, written by himself (Haupt.)

nearly all the North Level and great part of the Middle Level), which depend entirely on 
the Nene for a supply of this important article through the whole of the summer ; for the 
water in the Nene between Guyhirn and Peterborough being higher than the surface of 
the adjacent fen lands, is abstracted by sluices through the banks, and then conveyed by 
appropriate channels into each district. The scarcity of fish and eels at Peterborough 
4rises from unfair obstructions at the Mills above, almost all the way to Northampton. 
Appexpix (H.) 
REPORT from the SELect CommITTEE appointed to consider how far it is expedient 
to extend the Patent granted for Mo rToN’s Suip; with Extracts of the Evidence 
adduced before the said Committee.—(April 1832.) 
Your Committee caused Mr. Morton to produce before them his books and accounts, 
showing his receipts and expenditure arising from his invention, from the date of his 
obtaining his patent to the present period ; they also caused him to lay before them the 
patent itself, and the other papers stated in the evidence, and they called before them and 
examined Mr. Morton himself, and several other persons whom they considered likely to 
be able to give the most correct information on the subject. 
~ After giving to the whole the most mature consideration, your Committee have come to 
the following conclusion: That Mr. Morton’s invention of the patent slip in question is 
of the most ingenious and valuable description, of the highest advantage to the shipping in- 
terests of this maritime country (insomuch that the operation of placing a ship in a situation 
to be repaired, which previously to this invention cost £.170, can now, by this means, 
be effected for £.3), and it is equally valuable and applicable for the larger ships of war { 
as for the mercantile marine ; that owing, however, to the difficulty of drawing attention 
to this invention, and to bringing it into use at first, as explained in the evidence, the 
patentee appears not to have derived any profit whatever from his patent for the first six 
years, and during the whole period of its duration only £.5,737. 
That an invention of such ingenuity, of such simplicity of construction, though of such 
extensive and important benefit, is well deserving greater reward from the public than 
has hitherto been received by Mr. Morton, or is likely to be received by him under his 
patent during the short remainder of its duration ; but your Committee entertaining the 
strongest and most decided impression of the impolicy of granting renewal of patents 
under any circumstances, particularly on a plea of their not having produced sufficient 
rewards to the patentees, and observing that the instances of such indulgences having 
been granted are extremely rare, there having been only two since the year 1800, your 
Committee do not consider it expedient to recommend to the House to extend the patent 
granted for Morton’s Slip. 
Your Committee trust, however, they may be permitted to add the expression of their 
hope, that some other means may be adopted to obtain for Mr. Morton a more adequate 

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