ArpenpIx (L. 4.)
ROAD from the Bridge over the River Spey, near Grantown, to and including the Bridge
over the River Avon, at Ballindalloch.
1st Divisiow.
From the south abutment of the bridge over the river Spey to the burn of Cromdale,
being a distance of 2 miles 1,590 yards.
The south-east wing wall of Spey Bridge must be taken down and rebuilt, nearly
parallel with the river; the rock for the foundations of this wall must be cut six feet
in width, with its direction dipping into the bank, at a right angle with the outside
batter of the wall. The thickness of the masonry to be six feet at an average, and carried
to the proper height, to correspond with the parapet over the arch. The road must
afterwards be carried eastward, with a very gentle rise along the face of the steep rocky
bank, and have its lower side protected with a breastwork, and a parapet-wall upon the
top of it, built with stone and lime, for 150 yards in length, and coped agreeably to the
specification ; and along the upper side a retaining wall will be required.
Proceeding forward, the line passes through the lower corner of a small inclosure, along
the top of some arable land, crosses the head of a small valley, and then enters a more
level moor, along which it proceeds in nearly a strait line to a small burn, which it
crosses, and passes through a small cultivated inclosure, and along the low bank, partly
through birch wood, and partly through a pasture-field, till it reaches the burn of Congash,
where a twenty-feet arch will be required; the gravel for backing this bridge to be got
from the corner of the east bank, in order to cut off the acute angle which the line makes
immediately after crossing. From this point, the road keeps nearly the same level along
the face of the bank, and below the garden of Congash, till it has passed the head of the
small gulley, and then in a south-east direction, as marked on the ground, till it enters : i
a birch-wood ; it then crosses the burn, and then by the skirts of two projecting points ;
it then bends to the eastward, and follows the general direction of the old road, though
partially deviating from it in several instances, to preserve the regularity of the surface.
It then proceeds, nearly level, to about 170 yards beyond where the road branches off to
Cromdale. At this point, instead of following the old road to the bridge of Milltown,
which is ruinous, and inconveniently steep, it must descend along the face of the bank, in
the direction marked off, till it reaches the bottom ; it then keeps along the base, and
nearly in the same direction to the burn of Cromdale, over which a thirty-five-feet arch
must be built. The earth and gravel for forming the embankment at the west end of it
must be taken from the east bank, in order to regulate the rise and uniformity of the
road-surface at that place. Here the 1st Division ends. .
Throughout the whole of this section, breast and retaining-walls will be required, with
a very considerable quantity of cutting and embanking, in order to form the surface of