Full text: Life of Thomas Telford, Civil engineer, written by himself (Haupt.)

TABLE, showing the Proportion and Distribution of Expexse paid by the CommIssioNERs, 
and the several Higaranp Counrties, assuming the usual Expense to be (as in the year 
1823) about £.9,500 per annum ; towards which the Annual Allowance on the part of the 
Public is £. 5,000. 
' Estimated Total P ¢ Total 
= Allowance Additional . Expense e Bt el b vt / Rate 
Miles for Allowance of Expense | which will be | Expenditure per Mile 
COUNTIES. of by the Annual | to each |Inspection incurred thereupon on Road anfl for 
. . by the | due from the | Bridge Repair, 
Commis- | Repair of and : : 3 Road 
Road. oes County. | nr, Commis- County not including : 
; Bridges. Manage- | ™. - / S | Repair. 
sioners. et sioners. | Assessments. | Management. 
£. | 5 - £ L. £ se o diff i il B sk 
Inverness - - 523 | 1,046 4+ 20 —1,066 4 1,066 — 2,132 |1,516 14 4 |2,582 14 4 4 18 
Ross and Cromarty 212 424 4 14 — 438 4 438 — 876 158 7br =i 196 7 = ey 
Sutherland - - 96 192 =380 - — 222 <k - 9299 — 444 309 15 - 7 o031 lbey 4 15 
Caithness - - 55 110 + O e TIDTEE SHd b 5 5030 204 - - 319 - - ol 
Argyle - - 215 430 4 15 — 445 4+ 445 — 890 |[1,019 2 10 |1,464 2 10 6 11 
Elgin or Moray - 35 70 4 14 84 4+ 84 — 168 252 - — 336 - - B 
Aberdeen - - 17 34 4+ 15 —= 49 4+ 49 = 98 147 - - | 196 - -| 8 - 
Bute - - - 17 34 4+ - — 34 4+ 34 — 68 102 - - 136 - - S i 
Nairn - - 14 98 daricp =0 88 aLl (33 o= 66 99 - - 132 - - 8= = 
Banff - - 4 8 6 =414 o Qdeis . DR 42 - - 06 = = 8 ~ 
Torars - [1,188 | 2,876 4 124 — 2,500 + 2,500 — 5,000 |4,449 17 9 /6,949 17 9 Sl 
AGREEMENT for the ReraIr of HicaLaAND Roaps, made under the Authority 
IN consequence of my communings with C. D., Road Inspector, I, A.B., do hereby 
agree to keep inrepair the —____road, commencing at 
and terminating at measuring _—___~ mjles, from 
this date to the — for the sum of £, 
or at the rate of £.—— per mile. 
It is understood that I am to be responsible for the whole surface of the road being at 
all times kept and left m good repair ; also for keeping it free from stones, timber, earth, 
rubbish, or any other matter which may obstruct the watercourses or travelling on the 
road ; and that the proper shape of the road shall be preserved, and the gravelling or 
metalling be kept in proper order ; and that all new gravel or metal required to fill up 
the wheel-tracks, and all other irregularities in the surface, shall be previously selected in 
the pits of a durable quality, and separated from all stones above the‘size of four ounces 
weight, also separated from all improper mixtures, to the satisfaction of the inspector. 
I also agree, that the quantity of metal or gravel now on the road shall not be less at 
the expiry of my agreement, and that I am also responsible for keeping at all times, and 
leaving in good repair the whole cross, side and back drains ; and all rubbish removed 
from thence shall be thrown over the lower side of the road ; also to keep and leave in 

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