TABLE, showing the Proportion and Distribution of Expexse paid by the CommIssioNERs,
and the several Higaranp Counrties, assuming the usual Expense to be (as in the year
1823) about £.9,500 per annum ; towards which the Annual Allowance on the part of the
Public is £. 5,000.
' Estimated Total P ¢ Total
= Allowance Additional . Expense e Bt el b vt / Rate
Miles for Allowance of Expense | which will be | Expenditure per Mile
COUNTIES. of by the Annual | to each |Inspection incurred thereupon on Road anfl for
. . by the | due from the | Bridge Repair,
Commis- | Repair of and : : 3 Road
Road. oes County. | nr, Commis- County not including :
; Bridges. Manage- | ™. - / S | Repair.
sioners. et sioners. | Assessments. | Management.
£. | 5 - £ L. £ se o diff i il B sk
Inverness - - 523 | 1,046 4+ 20 —1,066 4 1,066 — 2,132 |1,516 14 4 |2,582 14 4 4 18
Ross and Cromarty 212 424 4 14 — 438 4 438 — 876 158 7br =i 196 7 = ey
Sutherland - - 96 192 =380 - — 222 <k - 9299 — 444 309 15 - 7 o031 lbey 4 15
Caithness - - 55 110 + O e TIDTEE SHd b 5 5030 204 - - 319 - - ol
Argyle - - 215 430 4 15 — 445 4+ 445 — 890 |[1,019 2 10 |1,464 2 10 6 11
Elgin or Moray - 35 70 4 14 84 4+ 84 — 168 252 - — 336 - - B
Aberdeen - - 17 34 4+ 15 —= 49 4+ 49 = 98 147 - - | 196 - -| 8 -
Bute - - - 17 34 4+ - — 34 4+ 34 — 68 102 - - 136 - - S i
Nairn - - 14 98 daricp =0 88 aLl (33 o= 66 99 - - 132 - - 8= =
Banff - - 4 8 6 =414 o Qdeis . DR 42 - - 06 = = 8 ~
Torars - [1,188 | 2,876 4 124 — 2,500 + 2,500 — 5,000 |4,449 17 9 /6,949 17 9 Sl
AGREEMENT for the ReraIr of HicaLaAND Roaps, made under the Authority
IN consequence of my communings with C. D., Road Inspector, I, A.B., do hereby
agree to keep inrepair the —____road, commencing at
and terminating at measuring _—___~ mjles, from
this date to the — for the sum of £,
or at the rate of £.—— per mile.
It is understood that I am to be responsible for the whole surface of the road being at
all times kept and left m good repair ; also for keeping it free from stones, timber, earth,
rubbish, or any other matter which may obstruct the watercourses or travelling on the
road ; and that the proper shape of the road shall be preserved, and the gravelling or
metalling be kept in proper order ; and that all new gravel or metal required to fill up
the wheel-tracks, and all other irregularities in the surface, shall be previously selected in
the pits of a durable quality, and separated from all stones above the‘size of four ounces
weight, also separated from all improper mixtures, to the satisfaction of the inspector.
I also agree, that the quantity of metal or gravel now on the road shall not be less at
the expiry of my agreement, and that I am also responsible for keeping at all times, and
leaving in good repair the whole cross, side and back drains ; and all rubbish removed
from thence shall be thrown over the lower side of the road ; also to keep and leave in