430 APPENDIX (L.7)
good repair all the parapets, breast-works and retaining walls ; and that all breaches in
these buildings shall be repaired at my expense, unless the same shall extend to twenty
cubic yards at one place, in which event the expense of repairing them shall not fall
under this agreement.
I shall be answerable for the proper pointing and pinning of all the bridges and para-
pets on the said road, and for keeping in repair the inverts and water-walls, and the water-
courses clear of rubbish, but for no accident which may befall the bridges.
And I engage the whole of the work specified shall at all times be kept and left in good
repair, to the entire satisfaction of the inspector,
who 1s to be sole judge
of the extent of work which may fall under this agreement.
I am to receive
— of the said price, at the end of next,
in the month of (provided the whole roads, bridges,
parapets and watercourses at these terms are found in a complete state of repair), and the
remainder at the expiration of my engagement, when the whole shall be approved of by
the inspector.
And as this missive has been countersigned by C. B., I hold the agreement completed.
(signed) A B
C— D——
Arrexnpix (L.7.)
AGREEMENT for the REraIr of a MiLiTARY RoaD.
(The BapenNocu Roab.)
Tr1s Iine commences at the south end of the Moy road, and proceeds by Car bridge,
and through the valley of Strathspey and Badenoch to the boundary of Perthshire, near
the summit of the hill of Druemochter, and measures in all about fifty-two miles.
The repairs lately performed on this line have improved it very considerably, and it
must have since given very general satisfaction ; but, as the traffic is extensive and yearly
increasing, the surface requires an annual supply of fresh materials to preserve its form,
and make up such breaches as may happen during winter.
In order more particularly to point out the repairs required this season, and the manner
of performing them, the line is divided into sections, as usual.
Secrion 1.
From the end of Moy road to Car bridge, being a distance of about ten miles, the road
was originally made either with soft materials or on a mossy bottom, which is always
liable to decay. From the commencement to Freeburn Inn the surface is hollow, and
requires a close covering of gravel all the way, and the breaches in the sides which have
been made by cattle must be repaired, by laying a turf border of two thicknesses along it,
with a sufficient quantity of gravel to make up the hollows. From thence to Findhorn