the drop without raising the working voltage at the motors.
The ordinary three-wire system involves complication in
the general wiring and does not secure mnearly as much
economy in copper as would be desirable; the system of
Fig. 54, while giving Cons;iderable economy on the high
voltage side requires a special arrangement of motors; and
finally the self contained three-wire system, with several
excellent properties, demands two trolleys.
What is really wanted for long interurban lines is some
way of raising the working pressure on the line, without
wasting much energy or introducing troublesome complica-
tions. . It must be clearly understood that as a matter of
economy the higher the voltage the better, providing that
voltage can be utilized. If there were no practical objec-
tions to employing a 2000 volt trolley system it would cer-
tainly be used in preference to juggling with a nominal 500
volt system in the rather vain attempt to cheat Ohm’s law
out of its due tribute of copper. By far the simplest way
of dealing with the long distance lines now frequently
found is to face the matter squarely and see what can be
done in the line of a higher working pressure on the line
and at the motors. It is all very well to work out the most
economical methods for supplying 500 volt motors at long
distances, but all such are wasteful in the extreme com-
pared with systems working, so far as transmission is con-
cerned, with 1000 volts or more. Boosters and the three-
wire system merely make the best of a very bad matter.
In the early days of electric railways even 3500 volts
was considered rather too high a voltage for motors and
dynamos adapted to the severe strains of railway work.
A few years of experience have shown that with proper
care 500 volt apparatus is entirely reliable and in very
many railway systems the working pressure is, save at
times of very heavy load, nearer 600 volts than 500. The
saving in copper introduced by even a moderate increase in
working pressure is very considerable, since, other things
being equal, the weight of copper required is inversely as
the square of the voltage. The following table gives the