Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

very slowly. Much too, depends on the average output of 
the station compared with its full capacity, i. e., upon the 
point of output at which the engines and dynamos are 
To take a concrete case on which to base our calcula- 
O Station werked at 50 per cent capacity 
b ” sy 3 60 39 2o » 
C ” ” 1» 70 » 5 ’» 
Cost in cents per Kilowatt hour 
500 1009 1500 2000 
Capacity of station in Kilowatts 
F1c. 64. 
tions, let us investigate the variation of cost of power with 
capacity of station, on the following assumptions. Plant 
of condensing Corliss engines or compound condensing 
high speed engines, supplied with modern accessories and 
furnished with-steam by water tube boilers. Dynamos 
direct belted or direct coupled, of best modern types and 

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