construction has several well marked advantages. 'The
primary element in which the heaviest hysteretic loss occurs
is reduced to the smallest practicable dimensions. The
secondary being stationary can have resistance put in series
with it through ordinary binding posts, sometimes a great
convenience, and since the secondary winding is, as shown,
very simple, the armature can be splitlike the field of a
FIG. 94.
dynamo and the upper half lifted off to permit inspection
cr removal of the revolving field. As the clearance in in-
duction motors is usually very small, 14 in. or less, such an
arrangement is very convenient.
Fig. 95 shows a fine three phase motor of 125 1 D il
which the armature revolves while the field is stationary.
The main leads are taken to the connection board on the
top of the motor, and there are no moving contacts what-
ever. The resistance used in starting the motor is stowed
inside the armature ring and its terminals brought out to
three contacts secured to the armature spider. - When the