Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

The conducting system consists of the track which is 
thoroughly bonded, as one lead, and two trolley wires, 
each about No. 3 B. & S. gauge. Bracket construction is 
employed and the two trolley wires are carried side by side 
about ten inches apart. The general character of the over- 
head structure is well shown ‘n Fig. 1o1r. ‘The current is 
taken off as there shown by two distinct trolley poles set one 
behind the other about forty inches apart. This separation 
BT e 
of the trolleys, by the way, has been found to be the best 
arrangement when using a double trolley continuous cur- 
rent system. The trolleys themselves are very similar to 
those generally used in this country. 
Four motor cars are now in use, each of them havinga 
twenty horse power induction motor geared, with a speed 
reduction of 1 to 4 to one of the axles. The arrangement 
of the motor and its suspension from the truck is shown in 
Fig.102. The motor itself (Fig.103) is of the iron clad type 
with revolving armature furnished with three collecting 

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