Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

It is advisable, however, to use a larger trolley wire than 
usual, not at all to secure larger area of contact with the 
trolley, for this is needless, but to simplify the feeding 
system. The larger the trolley wire, the easier it is to 
equalize the voltage along the line. Nothing smaller than 
No. oo should be used and No. ooo or No. oooo may often 
be useful. These larger sizes require special precautions 
in suspension. but sometimes are worth the trouble. In 
most interurban work the bracket suspension can be freely 
used and is advisable, being cheaper and easier to keep up 
than the crosswire suspension. 
The supply of power to an interurban line can best 
be illustrated by working out the details of a concrete 
case. We may take for thisthe hypothetical line discussed 
at the end of the last chapter, selecting for discussion the 
first case, using two stations for the line. 
Fig. 1111s a diagram of the system. Here A and B are 
the termini, C and D intermediate towns which may have an 
influence on the distribution of the power and E and F the 
points selected for the power stations in Chap. VII. ‘The 
track is, as will usually be the case in such roads, a single 
track with turnouts. The distance from A to B is thirty 
miles, from A to C about five miles and from D to B twelve 

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