Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

each of the uniform sections to be o0.05 ohm. The first 
section carries the whole 200 amperes, and the drop C R is 
10 volts. ‘The second section carries but 180 amperes, and 
the loss is g volts, and so on, until the tenth section carries 
20 amperes, and the loss has diminished to 1 volt. 
Mapping these successive falls of potential on Fig. 6, 
the curved line, C D, is formed, showing the consecutive 
Pressure — Volts. 
Loss in line — Volts. 
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o 10 
Points on line Street Ry. Journal 
FIG. 6. 
values of the potential on A B. C E, a prolongation of 
the drop in the first section, shows the result of concen- 
trating the whole load at B. : : 
In such a uniformly loaded line the drop is found as 
follows : If C is the total current and there are 7 sections 
in the line, then C is the current taken off for each sec- 

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