W ==
Remembering that we are considering feed wire alone, since
the trolley wire is fixed in location, we may assume a reason-
able drop in voltage of, say, thirty volts. K above then
becomes 3
Forming the above summation we have at twenty am-
peres per car,
2W = (10 96 X 4895
J-6.X-20 X. 25
- 40X'20.X 0.) £8=—62871bs,
Now at fifteen cents per pound this feeder copper would
cost just about $1ooo. For any other point than e the
cost will be greater by varying amounts and the increase
is about the same for all points equidistant from e. As the
weight of copper varies with the squares of the distances,
the mean distance of the load with respect to weight of
copper is determined by
L2 C=21%2c=6170 where C== ¢= 400
Hence I, = 3950 ft. nearly. 'T'his distance is the radius of
the circle about which the station can be shifted without
more than doubling the cost of copper noted above.
That is, the station can be located anywhere within about
three-quarters of a mile of the center of gravity of the
system without increasing the cost of copper more than
$1000. Such figures are necessarily approximate only,
since in practice wires cannot be run in straight lines, but
have to follow the streets, nevertheless they give valuable
A brief examination of proposed sites for the power
house will generally disclose that which is most advanta-
geous with respect to coal and water, and a quick summa-
tion as above will tell quite nearly whether the extra cop-
per will cost too much or not. In the case before us we
will assume the point / (Fig. 46) as best meeting all the re-
quirements. As the distance ¢ ¢! is small compared with
the displacement of /, we can let the extension question
take care of itself and are ready to proceed to
Step 4. The predetermination of the maximum or